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There is a Lutheran church nearby that doesn’t have a pastor right now. They’ve been having various people preach on Sundays to fill their need. They got my name and asked me to help out, so I’ll be preaching this Sunday. I would normally wait until today or tomorrow to start writing, but the secretary asked me for a title. I started on Tuesday night. I came up with an idea to go with this Sunday’s Bible readings, but decided I wouldn’t write the message until yesterday morning, and send the title by noon.

I went to Panera Bread to work on it for a while, but things didn’t go very well. I couldn’t connect to their wifi for some reason. It was also really cold. I was shivering, even with hot coffee. By the time I decided to go back to my apartment and work, it was already 11am.

As I worked in the apartment, the message was grinding out at a very slow pace. I got halfway through and realized what the problem was. Instead of pulling a message out of the readings, I was trying to put one into them.

Late in the afternoon, I started over again. This time I looked at what the readings had in common. The idea came quickly. Once I started, the message almost wrote itself. Cool.

I’m not completely finished, so I won’t post it here yet. Monday morning I can post about how things went and include a link to the message.

Why do tables always pile up with so much junk and papers?

Why do tables always pile up with so much junk and papers?


  1. Lauren

    Awesome! I just think that’s exceedingly cool and can’t wait to read it. 🙂

    As for your messy table, thank you for showing it! It certainly made me feel better.

  2. Peggy

    What is this junk on tables of which you speak? I’m not familiar with such things. 😉

    I too can’t wait to read your writings! And I like your work space. How great that it doesn’t face the TV! Or how horrible.

  3. Aunt Bev

    Me, Too!!! What They Said!!

    <3 Aunt Bev (^_^)

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