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The people who painted my house after the cleanup didn’t really do a very good job. Not only was the paint job incomplete, it was very sloppy. I won’t go into all the details, because that story is unpleasant. Instead, I’d like to talk about something more pleasant – how I successfully cleaned paint off of a finished door.

I went to Lowe’s yesterday to look for something that would clean paint off of wood. As I was standing in the stripper aisle, a guy walked up and asked if I was finding everything okay. He was not dressed in a Lowe’s uniform, but he kept calling me “sir”, so I told him what I was looking for. He suggested a product called “Goof Off”, so I got it. He must’ve known his stuff, because it worked. Here are the results:


So messy!

So messy!


Much better.

Much better.

The next step is to clean the banister. That’s going to take a while…


  1. Carol

    Thurman swears by that stuff, though I have never trusted it enough to try it. Clearly it is the material you needed, and I need to remember that next time I paint anything, as I am not known for staying “within the lines” (as preschoolers say about coloring books.) Congrats, and enjoy the rest of your de-painting.

  2. Lauren

    Nicely done! Goof Off is an amazing product, and you’ll be glad to have some around for other stuff. Take that, sticky label!

    (I do confess to giggling a little at ‘standing in the stripper aisle’.)

  3. Peggy

    Wow! That door looks brand new! Good job!

    And I’m with Lauren….I don’t know whether to applaud you or scold you for having a “goof off” day off in the stripper aisle!

  4. Michele Steppe

    So it looks like it didn’t take the finish off … just the paint. That’s awesome!
    I wonder if would work on the sticky stuff left behind when I removed the EKG tabs from Randy’s skin this morning 🙂

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