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First Day of Spring

Yesterday was a day off. I’ve had trouble making use of my days off this winter, but yesterday was a better day. I got out a little, which was nice. It helped that the weather was pretty nice. It was sunny and it was a little warmer than it has been. I took the opportunity to stroll in the garden. The eucalyptus tree is pretty damaged from the freezing temperatures. On the plus side, the dead leaves are making my whole back yard smell wonderful.

I was most excited to notice some flowers blooming in the cracks between the stones by the pond. The flowers are on some horrible weeds that I can’t seem to get rid of, but they’re still pretty:

True blue is an unusual color in gardens.  Usually when gardeners say blue they mean purple.

True blue is an unusual color in gardens. Usually when gardeners say blue they mean purple.

The pond itself is not so pretty. We’ve had some really stormy weather this winter, and the wind seems to have blown all the trash in the neighborhood into the pond. I almost waded in yesterday to give it a thorough cleaning, but decided to go to CVS and get a box of chocolate covered cherries for dinner instead.

It doesn't take long, it's just that I have to shower afterward because I get pond water all over me.

It doesn’t take long, it’s just that I have to shower afterward because I get pond water all over me.


  1. Carol

    Random responses:
    1. …and I enjoy chickweed blossoms for the same reason – just wish the chickweed were actual grass, ‘cuz we seem to have far more of it than we do grass in our “lawn” (which, after this winter, should read “mud pit” in the back – amazing…)

    2. I totally “get” the segue between performing a nasty chore and going to get a sweet treat instead. Dare anybody out there to question your logic.

    3. …so I DVR my “story” each weekday so I have a guilty pleasure after dinner when I am home. The mid-way commercial for the hour-long”soap” featured this really cute kitty named Gus and some pretty articulate narrator (I forget his name), convincingly sharing how he much he trusts the personnel at this particular animal hospital (where, coincidentally, he is employed – HA!). It really was a very professional ad. If we lived nearer Falls Road, I would give the place a try, but the thought of driving more than one mile with any of our fussy furries in the car would pretty much nix the idea. Nicely done, team!

  2. Lauren

    That last sentence cracked me up. You didn’t just avoid doing work, you avoided it by living every kid’s dream!

    How can I watch that commercial? I’ve googled around, but no dice. I need a link!

    • Brad

      I don’t have a link yet. I’ll share it as soon as I get it.

  3. Peggy

    So those flowers are weeds?!? Why? I think they’re absolutely lovely! If they were growing at my house, I’d take full credit for having planted & cultivated them.

    And I’m guessing you eat the cherry in the chocolate covered cherry, right? So I’d say it’s a delicious & healthy meal!

  4. Bev Greunke

    It Is High Point In My Day To Read Your Blog!!…. AND….. The Comments Made By Your Friends!!!! Thanks “ALL” For Brightening Each Day For Me!!!! Love, Aunt Bev in Nebraska!! 🙂

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