Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.


A while back, some friend’s of Kim’s brought their dog to my work place to get neutered. I even took a picture of him. Sunday night, he was back again because he had gotten into some candy and eaten a bunch of it.

Since their dog was spending some time in the back getting fed some charcoal, we talked a bit. Their last name is the same as my mom’s maiden name. It isn’t a unique name, but it isn’t exactly common either. I mentioned it to them, and the husband asked me where my family was from. I told him Nebraska. He said he had relatives there. Interesting.

He emailed his mom and mentioned my Grandpa Harold and his brother Lester (they were the two names I had given them). Kim’s friend emailed his mom, and she wrote back. We’re related! If I was reading the information correctly, he’s my mom’s second cousin, which makes us second cousins, once-removed. Awesome!

I'll have to find my copy of the family history so we can compare notes.

I’ll have to find my copy of the family history so we can compare notes.


  1. Kim

    So I guess you and I are related, as John and Cari are family to my family. What are you doing for Thanksgiving?

    Harley knew what he was doing when he broke out of his crate, got up on the counter and ate two bags of Easter candy with the wrapping. He was bringing family together!

    • Carol

      This was Harley Hummel being cared for at FRAH? Amazing…clever hound to reunite long lost relations at the risk of his own life. [Can’t imagine “eating charcoal” was on his Monday to-do list.]

  2. Lauren

    That is incredible! Congratulations on finding more family! I’m very curious about the ‘huge collection’…. a collection of what?

    I am glad Harley is going to be alright. What does the charcoal do?

    • Beth

      A huge collection of seashells… And “huge collection” is an understatement…they filled a room in his house… It was amazing! Did you not ever get to
      go to the Fairbury farm?

      • Lauren

        I did get to go once – it was wonderful!

  3. Peggy

    That is so amazing! Congratulations on the connection! Now you have to figure out how you’re related to Kim!

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