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Cookies and Cheer

I have tried to stay away from the vending machine at work. I’ve been mostly successful because of my case of candy bars, but yesterday I forgot to pack a candy bar, and was forced to use the machine again.

There are cookies in the machine which I never get because they aren’t an even dollar. There was one cookie in particular that I don’t think I would get. It looked like it had a bite out of it. Was it simply broken, or was there a hungry factory worker who ate a bit of it before it was packaged?

No, thank you.

No, thank you.

Speaking of food, the same co-worker who brought in the gummi eggs brought some Cheerwine to work yesterday. I’ve heard of Cheerwine before, but I’m not sure if I’ve ever tasted it. She gave me one. It was good! I think I might have liked it on ice – partly to make it cold, and partly to dilute it. It was powerfully sweet.

It is cherry flavored.

It is cherry flavored.


  1. Lauren

    I bet Cheerwine is a hit with the elementary kids who want to pretend they’re drinking wine. (I would have said middle school kids, but I don’t know what kids are capable of anymore. They might be drinking real wine for all I know.) Their website is pretty cool. In 1920, glass bottles etched with three cherries and the Cheerwine name were produced to replace the original paper label. Shortly thereafter, similar cherries appeared on slot machines and three cherries became synonymous with good luck. Coincidence? Doubtful.

  2. Peggy

    HA! And I get it…..if I worked for Taskykake, all the goodies would have a bite in them.

    And I’ve never heard of Cheerwine. But it has put this song in my head:


  3. Brady G.

    While Cheerwine is obviously available in MD in random places now, my guess would be that you tried it while further south. Perhaps on a visit to NC? I would have thought that eastern Tennessee would have it also.

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