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Last night I walked to Baskin Robins to get some rainbow sherbet. Mmm… it was delicious.

On the way there, I saw some graffiti scratched into some fresh cement. It caught my eye, because it was my initials. Then I noticed what was written under my initials:



It was my first name! The part after that was scratched out. Was that part my middle and last name? Did _I_ do that graffiti and just not remember it? Was I in some sort of fugue state when I did it? Did I travel in time?

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.


  1. Lauren

    Yep. Time travel. How else would you have known to go get sherbet at exactly the right time to see the ‘fixed’ message? (In the other timeline the last part was not scratched out and terrible, terrible things resulted.)

  2. Carol

    “…is a wonderful person!” is surely what was erased…though only heaven knows why!

    Yes, that is just a little bit creepy. Hoping the people who paid to have their sidewalk redone are the BRR involved or know and love that Brad as much as we do our own…which could be one and the same person (see Lauren’s post).

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