Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Rocking Recess

I have recess supervision duty three times a week. When I’m outside, I love just looking around at everything. The sky is always interesting, the trees have been changing like crazy, and I keep finding cool rocks. The rocks I find all look like various quartz. They’re translucent at the edges, they have flat sides and sharp corners, and in the sunlight they’re very sparkly. I really like them. I slip them into my pocket and bring them inside to join the others.

I couldn't get it to sparkle for my camera.

I couldn’t get it to sparkle for my camera.


  1. Lauren

    If you were outside with Mrs. Sommerer, she would tell you to leave the rocks in the Rock Spot and not put them in your pocket. Mrs. Sommerer is a real wet blanket. We all hate her.

    • Lloyd

      Was at preschool once. Can verify.

  2. Carol

    Dear Mrs. Sommerer;

    Thank you for watching over us rocks. Whenever that man comes out to remove one of our siblings, we are sad. Unless we wants to move us ALL inside where it’s warm and dry and there is no more weathering, erosion, deposition, burial, lithification, and all those other rocky things.

    On second thought, let’s talk, Mr. Royuk!

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