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Wining and Dining

My sleep schedule has been really messed up lately. Yesterday, I decided to try to re-set by sleeping in as long as I could. I’ve been having extremely vivid and sometimes violent dreams in the morning, so I haven’t been able to stay in bed forever, but I did get pretty close to ten:

Nine fifty-one

Nine fifty-one

I spent the day relaxing and recharging. In the evening, I joined my parents and some others on an outing. First we went to a winery in Ashland.

It was just a tasting room.  The actual winery was elsewhere.

It was just a tasting room. The actual winery was elsewhere.

One of the wine descriptions was bizarre. It said the wine smelled like geraniums. I think geraniums smell awful. Why would they say that? Unable to resist my curiosity, I got that wine as a sample. It actually smelled like geraniums! So weird! It didn’t taste like them at all. In fact, it was one of my favorites.



After the wine, we headed for a restaurant. It’s known for its beef. I was so excited! I love good beef. Beth and I decided to split a giant steak called “The Ritz”. It was indeed quite giant. For some reason, the picture does not capture it’s giganticness. There is a dollar for scale though. Take out a dollar and look how big it is, then look at the picture again.

So big!

So big!

The steak was delicious! It was close-your-eyes-while-chewing delicious. It was make-noises-while-you-eat good. It was amazing!

This restaurant is also known for serving beef fries and other kinds of fries. In fact, there were large signs all over the restaurant advertising their annual testicle festival. Yes, beef fries are testicles. My dad ordered some. I had one. They are pretty good. They taste kind of like chicken nuggets, but with beef.

I opted not to eat it with ketchup or barbecue sauce.

I opted not to eat it with ketchup or barbecue sauce.

We all went home full and satisfied. What a great night!


  1. Carol

    The conservationist in me is glad to see all parts of the cow being put to good use…the girl in me is going “Bleh!” about now, but glad you enjoyed the beef fries anyway.

    Almost tried to take a bite out of the steak picture you posted – it did look excellent. Nebraska and beef – can’t go wrong there.

  2. Lauren

    Were you at Around the Bend steakhouse? They do have really good steaks, and it’s close to Ashland.

    I am sorry about the violent dreams. Are they being caused by stupid cats racing around? (I’m kidding, but I really am sorry about the dreams.)

    • Brad

      Yes, that’s where we were… There is no “A” though. It’s just “Round the Bend”.

      The cats leave me alone while I sleep. This morning was the first time any of them even got up in my bed. Wally stood on me and meowed, then got back down again.

  3. Peggy

    I do so love a good steak! And I think your picture captures the hugeness of that steak just fine. It’s almost too big….just looking at it makes my stomach hurt a little.

    And HA! A testicle festival (it almost rhymes)! I don’t think I’d have enough nerve to try a beef fry though. Maybe if they were called nutty buddies (keeping with the almost rhymes theme).

    • Deborah


  4. Kris

    Growing up, our farming family members used to have a huge party once a year and serve beef fries. They called them “mountain oysters.” All of us kids loved them…until we were old enough to understand what they were…then we just quietly starved to death during the party…a rite of passage:)

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