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What are you doing

Yesterday was my first day of school with kids. During my first class period with each grade, I talked with them about a sign I’ve hung on the back wall. Here it is:

I have used this technique before.

I have used this technique before.

It will be my mantra in the classroom this year. I want the kids to be mindful of themselves. I want them to realize when they are wasting time or distracting themselves and others. I also want them to realize when they are on track and working hard. I intend to ask the question out loud frequently.

Since the sign is in the back of my room, I am facing it when I teach. It will help remind me to ask the question. It certainly won’t hurt for me to ask myself the question too. I am, after all, a big middle schooler myself.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! You big middle schooler.

    I like the painting technique. Very graffiti-y and effective. You’re like the Banksy of teaching!

  2. Gretchen

    My motto this year is Just Roll With It. Definitely not as thought provoking but it works for me.

  3. Carol

    Ah, memories…plus, this is very Moulds-like,you know.

    Because we all have to write our daily objectives for classes on the board these days (insert series of expletives here), I have tacked the query “Why are we here?” above them. One could, of course, get very deep with all that and, perhaps, in grade 8 I will begin that journey with them. Otherwise, it is what it looks like – “Wudda we gonna do today?”

    Your mantra is much wiser, for all parties involved. Blessings!

    • Brad

      How interesting! The full article is for purchase, which I don’t know that I’m going to do, but I went to the Wikipedia page for Reality Therapy, which said: “Typically, clients seek to discover what they really want and how they are currently choosing to behave in order to achieve these goals.”

      That sentence caught my attention, because part of my presentation yesterday was to ask them: “What do you want?” They are bringing their answers tomorrow.
      My list to get them thinking was:
      Good grades
      Not to be in trouble
      Happy parents
      Be a better reader/writer
      Be more organized
      Be a better student
      Learn something new
      Be more outgoing
      Be more self-controlled
      Sound more intelligent
      Be more friendly
      Not miss assignments
      Learn how to study
      Not be so distracted/lazy

      • Brent

        Did Daenzer ever teach Glasser to you?

        • Brad

          I don’t remember. Wait… Daenzer? When I first read that, I thought you were saying Glaess. I don’t remember Daenzer talking psychology, though it wouldn’t surprise me that he did.

  4. Peggy

    Oh my…..you’ve given me much to ponder! I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not.

  5. Lloyd

    Here’s the sign I put in my room(s) to remind me.

  6. Bev Greunke

    I’m thinkin’ now, too……The thought smoke is rolling out of Arlington right now! My motto is “Never Say Never & Roll With The Punches” Probably been for my whole life, but really came into existence when Uncle Lyle passed away. Blessings On Your Day & Year! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂 P.S. The Main Thought We Must Remember is "GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME"!!! 🙂

  7. Kristi

    My new motto is “Blunt Is Better.” I’m not referring to knives, by the way.

  8. Dad Royuk

    How about: “Ya gotta do, whatcha gotta do to get the job done”…..prayer would be an opening “gotta do”. Also, FOR ME…….”It’s easier to ask forgiveness than it is to ask permission.

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