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Pizza Trials Part 2

I feel like pizza places are chintzy when putting toppings on pizza. When I found out Domino’s does double and triple toppings, I decided I would find out if my craving for toppings could be satisfied. I tried double toppings, and found that it was pretty good. It was definitely not too much though. Is there such a thing as too much? I decided to continue the experiments.

Last night, I ordered triple toppings and extra cheese. I also got the regular amount of sauce instead ‘light’ sauce, which I got last time. It was too much. The pizza was kind of gummy.

The problem is that I changed too many variables. I got more toppings, more sauce, and more cheese. Which was the cause of the unpleasant texture? I will have to run some more trials. For science.

I got sausage, ham, and mushroom.

I got sausage, ham, and mushroom.


  1. Lauren

    WOW. That is a loaded pizza! I am curious what your crust choice is, and I think you’re right that the sauce is the source of the gumminess.

    The only solution is to order more pizza.

    • Brad

      I got crispy thin crust both times. The second time it wasn’t so crispy.

  2. Kristi

    Excellent choices for toppings. We like the hand-tossed crust the best.

  3. Peggy


  4. Bev Greunke

    So Sorry That You Have To Put Yourself Through Such Delicious Taste Test Trials, But Somebody’s Got To Do It!!!! …..Life Is Tough, Just Grin & Bear It & Don’t Forget To Use A Napkin!!! <3 Aunt Bev 🙂

  5. Carol

    All good scientists know you should only change one variable at a time – come on! That means at least these ensuing trials:
    1. Thin crust with triple cheese, light sauce and regular everything else.
    2. Thin crust with triple meat, light sauce and regular everything else.
    3. Thin crust with triple cheese, regular sauce, and…well, you can see where this is going.

    Happy ingestion of a food you may never want to eat again after this!

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