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Shopping and a Show

Yesterday I planned to go to Lincoln for lunch and a movie with several friends, including Samith, who I haven’t seen yet this visit. As I was getting ready to leave, Lauren told me she discovered that I had left the windows of my truck open over night.

If this were any other night of my visit here so far, it wouldn’t have been a problem, but last night, we had torrential rain. D’oh! Here was the bed of my truck:

It could be a swimming pool for tiny creatures.

It could be a swimming pool for tiny creatures.

Here was the inside after Lauren set up some drying action. She has experience because it had happened to them quite recently.

Hot temperatures later in the day helped bake out a lot of the moisture.

Hot temperatures later in the day helped bake out a lot of the moisture.

I went to Lincoln a little early so I could drive around some. In particular, I wanted to go to Hobby Lobby. It is a craft/decorations/hobbies/mirrors/fabric/etc store that I sometimes go to with Beth or Lauren when they need something. Though I never buy anything, I am fascinated by all the stuff in there. I looked around for a long time.

The store is HUGE.

The store is HUGE.

When lunch time came, I joined the guys at a Thai restaurant and had some tasty food. We headed to the movie theater, but not before stopping at a bar where they were intently watching France and Germany play soccer against each other. The movie was Tarzan. I liked it.

When I got back to Seward, I stopped at my parents’ house, and they were having Dave and Nancy as guests for dinner. I hadn’t seen them in a while, so I sat and chatted while everyone ate. It was delightful.


  1. Carol

    Gus’ diary, Day 10: Random comments

    * So glad you phrased the dinner guest sentence as you did. I would hate to think you’d left me in the home of cannibals!

    * Thai food….these aren’t the ones that claim they never serve cat, are they?

    * “Tarzan”, eh? I’d heard that a distant cousin 17 times removed had auditioned for this one but didn’t make the cut.

    *Did you drive around some to dry out the cab, or had the cab already dried out by the time you went to town? I’m a tad confused – but very glad you didn’t leave me in the truck overnight. Thank you for that.

  2. Lauren

    Whew! Another busy day for Brad. I’m glad you got to do a little window shopping. 🙂 I see that Hobby Lobby has everything at 50% off again. (Nothing is every full price there.)

    Ok, I’m off. (Tarzan yell.) Aaaa-aaaaa-aaaaaaaa!!

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