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Maryland State Fair

I was off of school yesterday for the Labor Day weekend. After sleeping in, I went to the music store to pick up some recorders and methods books yesterday. I plan to use them in fourth and fifth grade music class. Woo hoo! My return route took me past the Maryland State Fairgrounds, and I was reminded that the state fair is happening right now! I stopped and went right in.

I have a list of things I like to do when I go to the state fair:

Looking at farm animals? Check!
I like the smell of the cow area. It reminds me of visiting Nebraska as a kid. I enjoy looking at all the animals. The ones I thought were cutest were the chicks. They’re so small and fuzzy and yellow!

I was not able to touch any.

I was not able to touch any.

Looking at the judged veggies and crafts? Check!
I love the flowers and plants on display. This year, there were several fairy gardens. Most of them had the tiny chairs and houses and such, but my favorite was very different: soldiers attacking a giant scorpion. I would have given it first place.

Watch out!

Watch out!

Stopping at the candy place? Check!
There is this one place every year where you can walk through with a basket and fill it with candy that’s sold by the pound. I love it! Maybe a little too much. I spent $24 on candy.



Eating a bunch of state fair junk food? Not check.
The places that sold corn dogs and pizza were open, but the places that sold funnel cake, cotton candy, and caramel apples didn’t open until 2pm. It was only 1:30, and I had already been there a long time. I decided to just have some ice cream. It wasn’t as good as a caramel apple would have been.

There weren't many people there since it was a Friday.

There weren’t many people there since it was a Friday.


  1. Debbie

    What a fun side trip not planned! Candy! I bought candy for Mark one time in the mast General store, they have buckets too…I spent $21 so almost as much as you. And I could have kept filling! And being an adult you can eat it all at one time if you want!

  2. Debbie Foelber

    I was wondering if you stopped by the candy place. We found a few hard to find candies that brought back memories . My childhood bus stop was at an old General store that had a penny candy counter. It was great to stop in and buy a few special treats on a Friday. We used to pick up returnable bottles along the road during the summer to pay for our candy.

  3. Lauren

    You candy selfie is fantastic! What a fun day! 🙂

    • Brad

      I finally figured out how to make the picture not be upside down on Apple devices. Tomorrow has a selfie too, and it will be right side up! Woo hoo!

  4. Bev Greunke


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