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A Floss Story

I’ve had something new happen to me – I have used a container of floss until it ran out. I have had many times where I started flossing, but stopped after a couple of weeks or so. This time has been different. I have been consistently flossing for months now. Yay me!

But now I had to get more floss. I don’t like any product with sodium saccharin in it. It leaves a bad taste in my mouth. All flavored flosses have it. Except Tom’s. I also like the texture of Tom’s. It’s ribbon floss, but it’s kind of thick with natural waxes, so it feels like it’s doing more work. It’s the only floss I like.

It’s hard to find though. Unless I order it online, I can only find it at tree-hugger stores. I went to Whole Foods to look. Did they have it?

Yes! Yes, they did! Woo hoo! I got two containers of it. The flossing continues!


  1. Lauren

    Wow! You are like the guy who said that his superpower was to use an entire tube of chapstick and never lose it once. I bow to your good habits, sir. deep bow

  2. Jill

    Based on the title of this post, I thought you were going to go in a different direction. Thankfully, you were talking about teeth flossing and not the dreaded “dance.” Yuck.

    • Brad

      Haha! I didn’t know that the dance was called that.

      The Floss Dance is the new Dabbing.

      I’ve seen kids doing it here. I think its funny looking. It makes me smile.

      • Jill

        If you live with children, it becomes less funny. 😉

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