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Yesterday I left my apartment early so I could take my truck to the mechanic. My compressor has been working, but the fan hasn’t been blowing. It was okay during the winter, but the temperatures are getting hotter, and I really need my air conditioner.

Anyway, as I was heading out the door, I couldn’t find my keys. I looked in all the usual places, and even some unusual ones. Then I looked here:

They were in the door. I don’t even remember why I put them there. Maybe when I unlocked the door I got distracted and left them? Sheesh!

But I am very happy to report that my truck air conditioner works again. Yay! The cool air feels so good!


  1. Lauren

    Yikes! Were they there all night? You must live in a safe, Seward-like place, which makes me glad. I’m happy your air conditioner is fixed, too. That has to be a ‘must’ where you live.

  2. Carol

    You are starting to sound suspiciously like a Certified Aging Person, sir. (The lady in charge of the Rosedale Senior Center misplaced her keys after serving lunch there yesterday – swore they grew legs and walked off – then found them sticking out of the lock to the safe in her office. Happy ending, but a head-shaker.) Thurman and I have done things like that more than once in the recent past as well, and according to AARP (long live senior discounts!) we are REALLY old people.

    …but glad for your truck A/C – can’t imagine driving in even a Baltimore summer without functioning A/C, much less the Aloha State.

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