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A Bunch of Stuff

Happy Pi Day! I got a Pi Day tshirt in the mail. I don’t know who sent it to me, but thank you, Mystery Shirt Person.

Yesterday was an early dismissal from school. It was also the beginning of Spring Break. Woo hoo! I celebrated by leaving almost immediately after school, and by stopping at Target on the way home.

I got a few things, and was out in the parking lot by the time I realized the things color-coordinated with each other.

The box and bands are for my air conditioner to drain. The Braun is cleaner for my electric shaver. I was most needful of the shampoo. I was out.

I got a new scent. My old one was more citrus-y. This new shampoo is more earthy.

The new one is on the left.


  1. Debbie

    Yay for spring break! And shopping!… even when it’s boring need stuff, something about the looking, decisions and packing up. I love it when things color coordinate by happenstance! You probably picked those things by their color subliminally? I call that my other self. OS….huh, it IS our operating system? How about that! Your other self must like those colors.

  2. Debbie

    Oh, and i don’t know pi day? If it’s a show I’ve not seen it, if it’s mathematical i REALLY haven’t seen it. Today is 3.14.20?….hhmmmm a riddle/ problem/equation to solve…. oh look, there’s a weed to pull!

  3. Lauren

    That shirt is hilarious! I wish that I could take the credit, but no one in this house is that cool. 🙂

    Enjoy your spring break. Go catch a shark so you can stock your freezer? I don’t know what else to do where you live…… ;0

  4. Brent

    Oh yeah- I bought that. Ha!

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