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Gorgeous Gifts

My school is celebrating Teacher Appreciation Week this week. Someone had me fill out a paper that listed my favorites. It was fun. One of the questions was: “Favorite sports team?” Ha! It made me chuckle. I don’t really watch sports at all, so my answer was: “Star Wars”.

I think they tell the kids to bring a specific something each day. Today was “bring flowers” day. A bunch of kids brought me one stem each. One even brought my favorite: oriental lilies. By the time school started, I had a beautiful bouquet. AND a whole potted orchid! It was so sweet.

2 responses to “Gorgeous Gifts”

  1. Lauren says:

    Oh, that is just delightful! Also, how nice to have those at the start of the week so you can enjoy them! Hooray for your students! (and you, too. 😉 )

  2. Karla says:

    One year when she was in elementary school, Anna brought her male teacher a bag of flour instead of a flower. 😀

    And be careful, Arron has as much hair as you. This year a student brought him shampoo and conditioner!

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Sizzling Sweets

Yesterday was a Grading Day, so there isn’t much to say about that, except it was very sad. But I did finish, so that’s good.

I went grocery shopping in the evening. and saw a new Ice Breakers mints flavor. It’s called “sparkling”, and is “raspberry lemon seltzer” flavor. The raspberry lemon part was ok. The seltzer part was weird. It wasn’t a flavor, it was a… feeling? It sort of stung and burned my tongue. Did I like it? I’m not sure. It certainly was interesting though.

A Few Fixtures

It was a Home Improvement Day yesterday. I figured out how to work around the weird metal box thingy in my kitchen ceiling, and now I have a light over the sink! Woo hoo! I predicted it would be a three-trips-to-Lowe’s project. It was only two!

I’ve had a new ceiling fan for… weeks? …months? The old fan in one of my bedrooms had stopped working properly – no light at all, and a fussy fan.

The new fan was a tricky installation as well. Two more trips to Lowe’s, and the fan was up. There’s light in the bedroom again!

The only drawback is that the new fan doesn’t have pull chains, it has a remote. The old fan used wooden pull-knobs I got in Wales. I’ve connected them to each other for now. Maybe I’ll hang them from the rear-view mirror of my car…

Superbloom Season

Happy Star Wars Day! May the Fourth be with you!

Spring is a big-time flowering season in Southern California. The hills around my school have these bright yellow daisies that are all blooming right now. I can see a patch of them from the balcony of my school. I drive past them on my way home:

There are a few places you can drive to see various flower patches . I’m most curious about a calla lily valley, but it’s way up by San Francisco, and the internet says I’m too late. Dang. Maybe next year.

Prayer Posts

Yesterday was the National Day of Prayer. I remembered doing prayer stations for two different prayer vigil days at Baltimore Lutheran, so I set some of them up at my school.

It was fun! I think the kids got some good out of it. My big learning of the day was how much salt a school full of kids will eat. The answer is: a lot.

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