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Category: Investigations (Page 6 of 15)


Last night I walked to Baskin Robins to get some rainbow sherbet. Mmm… it was delicious.

On the way there, I saw some graffiti scratched into some fresh cement. It caught my eye, because it was my initials. Then I noticed what was written under my initials:



It was my first name! The part after that was scratched out. Was that part my middle and last name? Did _I_ do that graffiti and just not remember it? Was I in some sort of fugue state when I did it? Did I travel in time?

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

A Mystery

I’ve been keeping a bag of marshmallows in my kitchen in case I get the hankering for toasted marshmallows. I haven’t opened it yet, but yesterday I noticed what looked like a hole in the bag:

See it right there in the center of the picture?

See it right there in the center of the picture?

I went in for a closer look. It was indeed a hole! And there was a hole in the marshmallow inside the bag too:

That's odd...

That’s odd…

Who would poke a hole in one of my marshmallows? Then I saw it:

Coming back out.

Coming back out.

Ants are eating one of my marshmallows from the inside out. Ack! I put Terro all over their path to the marshmallows. Many of them stopped for the Terro instead of continuing on to the marshmallow. I’m guessing the rest of the marshmallows in the bag aren’t compromised, but it’s grossing me out a little. I think I’ll get a new bag.

Shady Smoothness

The other day, I noticed something weird about the shadows and the cracks in the bank parking lot next to my house: they match up. That is to say, the part of the lot inside the shadow was smooth, and the part outside the shadow was cracked. I’ve got to think this isn’t entirely coincidence. The sun is warm, right? That’s got to have something to do with cracks in asphalt. I tried to take a picture, but it didn’t show up too well. I’ll submit two angles for investigation:

Facing south-ish.

Facing south-ish.

Facing north-ish.

Facing north-ish.


What does it mean when the electric company sends you a check? Why wouldn’t they just hold on to that money and call it a credit? No note came along with this check. It was just enclosed in a featureless envelope. There is no “memo” section that says why I get this money. By cashing it, am I agreeing to some contract or terms of service thing? I hesitate to deposit it…

That pink box in the upper right corner turns white when you breathe on it.  I played with it for a long time.

That pink box in the upper right corner turns white when you breathe on it. I played with it for a long time.

Circle Triangle Symbol

I was waiting at a stoplight behind a vehicle with a curious symbol on the window. I have tried to find this symbol on the internet, but can’t. I’m interested to know if this symbol is something the car owner developed, or if it has an already-defined meaning. So I’m posting it here. Maybe someone will be able to identify it for me.

Hopefully it’s not a symbol for the Japanese Illuminati. I’ve had enough trouble with them already.

Five triangles and two circles.

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