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A Day in the Truck

I got my pond liner and my rocks yesterday. It took all day, which seems strange to me. I didn’t really do much work. I just drove for hours.

First I waited until Wicklein’s Water Gardens opened. They have the best pond liner prices in town. They opened at 10, so I wasted spent a little time on the computer while I waited. The Wicklein’s people were very friendly. That, plus their low prices, leads me to give them an enthusiastic bradaptation recommendation.
Total time: one hour.

Next, I went to Badolato Stone Supply. They also have low prices and very helpful staff. Another stone-solid bradaptation recommendation! I bought a pallet of Pennsylvania field stone. I took half of it at a time because my truck couldn’t handle the weight. Badolato is a thirty minute drive one way. I made the trip twice, loading and unloading stones whenever I stopped.
Total time: three and a half hours.

So I was driving all day, but now I have my pond liner and my rocks. That rocks!

I piled the rocks in the yard. I especially like the little stacks along the curb. Maybe I can use that in the final design. It reminded me of the Wish Rock Garden in Aruba. HERE is a picture I took of Wish Rock Garden when I was actually there.

Does this place rock, or what?

Among all the rocks I got, one stands out as my absolute number one favorite. I will be sure to feature it in the final design. Many of the rocks have dead moss clinging to them, but this rock has lichen all over it. It’s so cool!

This lichen is alive!  It probably took YEARS to grow this big.


  1. Carol

    So lemme get this straight now: you had to spend one whole day loading your old rocks to cart them away…then drive to get so many new rocks – some of which are covered in colonies of commensal (sp.?) life forms (which are indeed lovely, I must say) that you had to make more than one trip and shoot – er – invest another entire day doing that?!


    Just checking.

    [Apparently all great pond architects and contractors have idiosyncracies/peculiarities like that.]

    • Deanne

      I’m with Carol. That’s an awful lot of work just to change out rocks.

  2. Lauren

    I see your rock place delivers. I’m assuming you saved a lot of time and money doing it yourself, at the expense of your back. Good deal.

    This is very exciting! Do you have any pictures of your yard from when you first moved into the house? It would be interesting to see what it used to look like long ago.

  3. Kim

    Go Brad, Go Brad, Go Brad! Wow, I can’t wait to see the finished product!

  4. Beth

    Piling huge rocks on your lawn… Well, that’s one way to kill what remains of your grass!

  5. Peggy

    Those rocks are way cooler than the other ones!! Nice choice! Also waiting eagerly to see the finished product …

    (Aruba – *&%$)

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