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2008 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

This post is chock-full of pictures, so if you have a slow-loading computer, it may take a while.

The MTDP was GREAT! It was a cold day to be standing outside for so long, but the parade was awesome to be at. We stood with the Long Island Lutheran High School group. They set up some risers for the “choir” who were watching the parade and singing songs. My dad got a choice spot in the front to set up a chair, and my mom and I were in the front left corner of the risers. Sweet!

There were many balloons in the parade. I took pictures of them all. I will only post my two favorites.

First, a smurf.
A GIANT smurf.

And I really like these elves for some reason.
I think they're Macy's creations.

There were marching bands, of course.
This one's from Virginia.

There were many famous personages in the parade. Here is but a sample:

Miley Cyrus
I think she's saying: Momma Mia!  That's a spicy meatball.

David Archuleta
I think he's just saying something dreamy.

Rick Astley
He is, of course, saying: Never gonna give you up.

The parade ended with the most famous person of all. (…second to Jesus of course)

He's famous on seven continents.

Did you really click on the Rick Astley link?


  1. Peggy

    Love all the pictures!! Maybe next year I’ll go to the Macy’s Parade!! LOL at the commercial! And of course I clinked on the R.A. link…I like it. And apparently Santa does too–just look at his R.A. moves in that picture!! Go Santa!! We must be related, (me & Santa)! I love you Santa!

    More pictures…more pictures…

    Happy Black Friday!

  2. Lauren

    Yay for pictures! David Archuletta (spelled wrong – I’m sorry) looks pretty bundled up for that photo. I’m so happy/jealous of you guys! How totally fun, yet cold.

    • Brad

      I fixed the spelling. Thanks.

      • Peggy

        Thanks? What?!?! 😉

        • Lauren

          What? I thought I spelled it wrong – I was too lazy to fix it. Don’t ever think that I’ll correct anyone’s spelling except for Lloyd’s. 🙂

        • Brad

          You misspelled it the same way I did: with two T’s.

  3. Deanne

    I must not have seen that video when I was a youth, because I really, really, really didn’t imagine that voice in that person!

  4. Carol

    You all sure DO look like you made a great day of it – any frostbite among ya’?

    I’m enamoured (sp.?) of the crazed hamster in the clear ball in the “Bolt” animated movie, so being able to see him in the lower right corner of the Miley Cyruis snapshot tickled me. ‘Course, about anything might amuse me after having spent (fill in an obnoxiously-long period of time on a holiday weekend) in my classroom today.

    –she who has returned ot her snug warm home, where the computer talks to the Internet, and she can print documents if she wants to, and… (who, me bitter?)

  5. Lauren

    I have to know if Rick Astley sang anything!!

  6. Karla

    I just realized that David Archuleta even squints when he’s blurry. That boy needs to learn to open his eyes.

    • Deborah

      He’s a Mormon in NYC. He’s not allowed to fully open his eyes!

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