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Plant Abuse

My computer room upstairs is in need of a re-do. It slowly has become a junk repository. Besides that, the decoration in that room is all kind of half done. Nothing is as it was meant to be.

I meant to do the room as sort of a “jungle room” or sun room. It was to have lots of plants and kind of tropical decor. A long time ago a friend of mine even painted a waterfall scene on the wall. But things never came together. And now there’s a bookshelf in front of the waterfall. And the plants have become neglected.

My worst plant abuse is on the wall of the room. I hung some wall-mounted pots and planted them with vines, thinking it would be a green, leafy, living wall. The vines never grew very fast and I got frustrated, so now they suffer from neglect. I don’t water them for long periods of time, then I feel guilty and water them again. I should just take them outside and put them out of their misery.

When the roof is fixed, I’ll spend some time cleaning up the room. The ceiling in that room is suffering the worst of the water damage. It just makes sense to wait.

The mummy man picture was supposed to be peeking out from the leaves.


  1. Deanne

    Poor plants. I think if we all had unlimited funds and unlimited time, all of our rooms would be spectacular. But who can do that what with new video games to play, new kittens to love and pet, great shows to watch on television, and – the most important – sleeping to do (especially now that it gets dark at 5pm).

    Good luck, Brad. One foot in front of the other.

  2. Lauren

    That picture makes me feel SO much better about myself! Brad Royuk neglected plants! Awesome.

  3. Lloyd

    Wait, how are plants suppose to look?

  4. kiwe

    I think I can hear the tiny little screams.

  5. Kim

    dang, Snappy! Put them out of their misery!

  6. Peggy

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I laughed so hard when I scrolled down to the picture! HA!

    Hey Lauren–The Master actually walks among us!!

    • Peggy

      …is it among us or amongst us?

      • Karla

        How about just saying “with us?”

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