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Month: December 2008 (Page 5 of 7)

Flying Solo

Yesterday was my first time conducting wrestling practice by myself. Dave had various work things he had to do and couldn’t make it. I decided to do a bunch of drills and work only on form. It ended up being a little chaotic, but I think the boys had fun and I think they got a good workout. They had a hard time learning new drills. Or else I had a hard time explaining them. The most frustrating drill (because I thought it should be the most simple) was the monkey roll.

What was interesting for me was to see how leading a practice and leading a lesson in a classroom compared. Some classroom teacher skills worked, but some didn’t. It really was fascinating. I’ll have more opportunities to study this in the coming days.

Now if I can just get them to understand how to do monkey rolls correctly…

Monkey rolls are the fourth item on the list.

Secret Santa

We are having our annual run of Secret Santa at school right now. So far, my SS has given me a six-pack of tiny Pepsi cans, and some herbal tea. Has my SS seen my post about making tea in the coffeemaker, or is it just a coincidence? Hmmm…

My gift for today was left on my desk last night: Two cans of meat and a sleeve of crackers. On the one hand, it makes me think this person eats lunch with me, because this is the kind of thing I have for lunch. On the other hand, maybe this person doesn’t eat with me because they gave me cans of shrimp and crab, which I’ve never brought to lunch. In fact, since I’ve never tried it, the shrimp gives me minor jibblies. I don’t know why it’s any different from canned tuna, which I eat all the time, but something about canned shrimp seems scary to me…

But thank you, Secret Santa, for giving me the gift of unknown fear. I will take your challenge. I will eat canned “wet-pack” shrimp. *jibblie*

I don't recognize the brand of crackers.  I'm curious to try them.


After school every day, I change clothes before wrestling practice. It seems silly to carry all my stuff down to the locker room, so I change before walking over to the gym. I’ve tried changing in the boys bathroom, but I would either have to stand right next to the urinals, or in plain sight of the door. And besides the danger of urine or flashing passers-by, changing in the bathroom means I have to put my bare or socked foot on the boys’ bathroom floor, which is gross.

Instead, I change in my classroom. I lock the door, turn off the light, hide around the corner, and change as fast as I can. It works fine, and I don’t mind touching the floor of my classroom with my bare feet. Much.

Yesterday, as I was changing, something dropped out of my sneaker treads. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s really fascinating. It’s all shiny like it’s wet, but it’s dry. It looks a little like an alien life form, so I didn’t touch the shiny stuff with my finger. I was afraid it would kill me.

Four little aliens, all waiting to be hosted.

Tire Place

My tire was slashed two months ago, and I finally went to the tire place yesterday. I went to Firestone, because it seemed the logical place to go, since I have Firestone tires. The guy had me wait while he tried to patch the tire. But it couldn’t be patched. He said that somebody had definitely cut it with a knife and that I would need to replace it and that a replacement would cost $128.

He also said my other tires were 1/32 of an inch away from legally bald in Maryland, which surprised me because they look really good to me. He said I had around 6000 miles left on them before they would all need to be replaced. Ouch! Well, at least I know that I have until March or so before I hit 6000 miles. And based on this experience, once I decide to go to the tire place, it will take me two months to actually get there. So it will be May. Do I drive on my spare that whole time and tempt fate? What if I have another flat?

The sun on my back was warm... until it got hot.

Let’s Go to the Mall

I had a good day yesterday. I went to see the newest James Bond movie (which was okay… it was chock-full of action, but didn’t have a puzzle to solve or much to think about), and I went to the mall. I ate a full-sized Cinnabon and instantly regretted it, then walked around a little. It was great fun. And who isn’t revitalized by a little trip to the mall and a belly full of doughy goodness?

Being there made me think of a song from an 80’s music video on the TV show “How I Met Your Mother”. In the show, one of the characters was a bubblegum pop star from Canada in the 80’s. The video is awesome. So is the song. I’m going to see if I can download it. For your viewing pleasure, HERE it is.

To top it all off, when I came out of the mall, it was snowing! Yay for snow!

Oh the weather outside is frightful... let's go to the mall!

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