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Scheduling Extreme Grand Master

Michele has single-handedly constructed a viable and even desirable second semester schedule. She is the closest thing I know to a real-life Mentat.

The middle school and high school share several teachers, and as we begin second semester the high school schedule is shifting. It’s causing some of the cross-over teachers to be unavailable for our old middle school schedule. Without a change, we would have had dozens of students with no place to go and we teachers would have had to drop any free periods to supervise study halls with only four or six kids in them. It would have been a colossal waste of human resources and would not have served our students.

Michele the human computer to the rescue! She crunched it and crunched it and came up with something quite amazing. What should be done for her? I can at least immortalize her herculean efforts here at bradaptation. If I could pass my Peggle Extreme Grand Master trophy to her, I would. She deserves it. She is a Scheduling Extreme Grand Master.

My new class lists.  Michele is amazing.


  1. Deanne

    Grand Master Michele. It works.

    Surely you can make something like that in Word. Doesn’t Word have neat certificate templates?

  2. Lauren

    Go Duncan Idaho Michele!! She could rent herself out to different schools to take on their nightmare schedules and solve them. 🙂

  3. Lloyd

    Yeah, but are you sure there’s not some hidden plan within the scheduling plan that you won’t even be aware of before it’s too late. You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?

    [I was going for strangest mashup in a comment. Do I win?]

    • Beth

      It reads like you were trying to sound like Clint Eastwood.

      So I say you win for “Comment most likely to end up in a Dirty Harry script.”

    • Michele

      The punk BETTER feel lucky! I got the chorus and handbells class out of his room – he can hold a dance party in that newly acquired space now!
      AND he now has his napping period … oops, I mean planning period at the same time I do. Yeah – we’ll get a lot of work done – ha!
      So Lloyd, “Do you wanna piece o dis?”

  4. Kim

    Hail! to the victor valiant
    Hail! to the conqu’ring hero
    Hail! Hail! to Michele
    The leader and best!

    Hail! to the victor valiant
    Hail! to the conqu’ring hero
    Hail! Hail! to Michele
    The champion of the schedule!

    Goooooo Michele!

  5. Peggy

    YAY Michele!!

    Now how about the National Debt…and the declining economy…?
    You can do it!

  6. Carol

    As appreciative as we all are, unless you’ve ever had to do scheduling for hundreds of students who meet in seven classes each day across multiple buildings and using a mix of MS & US teachers to lead them, knowing what they’ve already taken and passed, trying to match what they need yet to what is available, etc., etc., etc., y’all have little idea what a wonderful accomplishment this truly was. And the best part: I’ve yet to see Michele throw anything, cry, stamp her feet, tear paper and start over, break pencils, or do any of the things I used to do one might expect a harried scheduler to do in mid-rearrangement. I bow to her…and to her 8th grader daughter, Casey, for whom comparable praises seem in order. She needs her own desk, phone and office here, I think.

    • Michele

      It’s Casey’s young mind and encouragement that kept me sane during this tedious number-crunching task. There were times I thought it was like trying to complete a Sudoku puzzle that had no solution. When I would reach the point of breaking, she stepped in and rescued me. Fortunately this apple didn’t fall far from the tree – she was born with an analytical mind and the heart of a future math teacher.

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