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Beekeeping Class 2: Caffeine, a Friend, and Stupid Questions

Last night was the second installment of my beekeeping course. I didn’t want to fall asleep again like I did last time, so I stopped at Dunkin Donuts for a coffee on my way to the class. I got a large.

I had decided to introduce myself to as many people as I could this time, since last time we didn’t do any icebreakers or introductions. When I arrived, I started by saying “Hi. I’m Brad. I’m from Hamilton.” The three people who were there looked at me, then down at the table. Dang. I walked around the building a little bit. An eight-year-old boy who is attending the course with his dad walked around with me. We talked about the fish and turtles they had in aquariums. At least I made one friend, even if he was only eight.

I enjoyed last night’s session. We learned about bee life cycles and spring management stuff. We talked a lot about swarms. I actually got to ask a couple of questions. It seems like a lot of the people attending the course have experience with beekeeping, so he says things that don’t seem to faze them. At one point, he was talking about holding a wooden frame full of bees and looking real close to see if there are eggs in the cells. I had to ask: “The bees don’t mind you just putting your face right in there?” He said “no”. I was glad to finally out myself as someone who didn’t know anything. Now I can ask all kinds of stupid questions and it won’t surprise anyone.

The coffee worked. Really, really well. After the class, my jaw hurt from clenching my teeth so hard. And I couldn’t get to sleep last night.
Note to self: get a small coffee next time.

My seat was way to the right.  You can see my white coffee cup.


  1. Lauren

    Love the picture, dislike the people (except the kid). Maybe they were rude because they only have social abilities with bees.

    Hope you don’t fall asleep in school today.

  2. Lloyd

    Do you say the pledge of allegiance before class?

    • Brad

      We don’t do the pledge, but several of the people in the class will often sniff at the air, and then say, “Yes, my queen.”

      I don’t know what that’s all about, but I have a strange compulsion to bring sugar water to class next week.

  3. Beth

    I find the front of that “classroom” very perplexing. Is there a screen? And does he use powerpoints? Or overheads?

    Or does he just draw on the windows with dry-erase markers?

    White ones.

    • Brad

      Ha! I keep looking through those windows into the woods expecting to see Bigfoot.

      There is a giant screen rolled up at the top of the picture. He didn’t use that last night though. He used a dry-erase board on wheels.

  4. Michele

    Yeah for Dunkin Donuts! Yeah for 8-year-old friends!

    • Deanne


      • Carol

        Deanne – you no longer look like my twin! I am sad…but glad to know that in reality you have a warm and welcoming countenance.

        –Shadow Woman?

  5. Carol

    Your new 8-year-old friend would probably be interested to hear the Fun Fact from “This Day in History” that you shared after classes today, Brad……..

    [Go on, everyone – ask him!]

    Happy 228th Anniversary-of-your-discovery, li’l planet! You may be the “butt” of many a joke, but with emphasis on the proper syllable you can be a relatively-innocuous heavenly body, too. When first revealed, you were the farthest heavenly body from the sun! Now we know you to be the 27-mooned, 17-hour-14-minute-and-24-seconds-long day-ed orb named after Saturn’s father and with the 90 degree tilt to its axis. Way to go, [insert planet name here]!

  6. Beth

    Where are you?? It’s 8:30am your time? Did a swarm get you in your sleep??

    • Brad

      Today’s post took a long time to write.

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