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Month: March 2009 (Page 5 of 7)

A New Place?

I get carry out menus stuck into my door every couple of weeks. I always know the places that are leaving menus, so it’s not ever notable. But yesterday, I got a menu from a place I didn’t recognize. It had all kinds of tasty looking things on the menu. Its address was down Harford Road in the area of Safeway. A lot of revitalization has been taking place down there, so I thought this must be a new little restaurant down there.

I ordered a half pound of steamed shrimp with Old Bay. Mmm… steamed shrimp with Old Bay… When I got to the place, it didn’t look very new. And instead of looking restaurant-y, it looked kind of bar-y. And the shrimp wasn’t very good. It was over cooked, so it was kind of tough and it tasted like shrimp shells instead of tasting like meat.


For now I’ll just stick with my two beloveds: Zorba’s and Big Bad Wolf. They have plenty of tasty treats for me.

I had to pick around the onions.  They tasted like shrimp shells too.


My home equity loan has gone through. I’m rich! I actually signed the papers last Wednesday, but there was a three-day recission period where you’re allowed to cancel the contract with no ill effects. I had no intention of doing that: I need a roof!

This visit to the bank was a little less stressful. I didn’t really have to answer any questions this time. The thing I am most proud of is that I bumped up my automatic payments from 360-something to 400 per month. I wasn’t sure if the extra would go toward interest or principal. The bank woman said principal. In fact, she quick typed in some dummy numbers on her computer and showed me what would happen if a $2000 loan with $60 payments were upped to $100 payments. It shortened the life of the loan by one third. Outstanding!

I realize that 35 extra dollars per month isn’t going to shorten my loan by a third, but at least it’s something. Look at me being responsible. I’m a responsible thousandaire! Woo hoo!

I think the picture is saying:  Things that make you go 'hmmmm'

The End of “20 Cents”

My cellphone has been slowly deteriorating. The hinge has been particularly stiff, and over the last couple of days, I’ve gotten the “Check SIM” message a couple of times. It’s been clear that the phone was on its way out.

So I decided to get a new phone. I did my research first. I don’t like buying electronics without reading a little of Consumer Reports and a little bit of user reviews. I had said that I wanted to get a cellphone that was just a phone. The Pantech Breeze fit the bill, but it only came in white, and I just didn’t want a white phone. I guess when it comes down to it, what the phone looks like is important to me. So I considered some other phones as well.

After spending a long time in the store looking at phones and fiddling with them, I ended up getting a Motorola Razr V9. It is the descendant of my old phone, so it has a familiar layout. Plus I like how it looks. Ironically, has almost every bell and whistle available to cellphones. All I wanted was a phone. I’ve kept my stripped-down phone plan, so there will be no streaming video or music for me. Also, no GPS navigation or web access. But I did finally add texting to my plan, so at last I will stop paying 20 cents per text.

Max says this phone passes the taste test.

Since I got a haircut last night, I tried to take a picture of the phone next to my head. None of them came out very well, but at least this one shows the full-sized screen that’s located on the outside of my phone. If I used any of the non-phone features of this phone, this outside screen would be useful. For me, it’s just a clock.

It was 9:59pm.

Which Store?

We’re planning a prayer vigil at school. Brady is doing the lion’s share of the work, but I’ve been working on some “prayer stations”, where people can experience prayer in a variety of ways: things like kneeling, praying while touching the cross, etc. One of the stations is going to be about prayer and incense. I thought people might light some incense while they pray. But twelve hours of constantly burning incense could get pretty intense, so I wondered if there was such a thing as low-scent incense.

I knew exactly where I would go: the witch store. I was sure they would have a wide variety of incense and that they would know how to advise me. It was quite an interesting place. There were lots of crystals and such. There were a fair amount of witchy home decorations too.

The woman at the front counter didn’t really know what to tell me when I asked her for a less fragrant incense, but a woman came from a back room that seemed more knowledgeable. At first she asked if I wanted the incense for fragrance or if I was performing a ritual. Then she just suggested I get something that smelled nice. She said a scent called “Angelic Visions” would be a good one. I knew it would still be too strong, but I felt like I should buy something after all the trouble.

After thinking about it for a while, I’ve decided that I’ll get the loose granule kind of incense from the Catholic store, put it in a bowl, and have people smell it. That way the library won’t be filled with overpowering smoke and I won’t be using something that’s labelled for “Intuition, Ecstasy, Purity, Celestial Music, Mystic Knowledge” for our prayer vigil.

Curiosity satisfied.

Bad Cat

I was going to post about a snack I had last night before bed, but this morning I went downstairs and saw that the dish I had put the snack in was on the living room floor… in pieces. I’m a little surprised it broke. It was a Pyrex glass custard cup. Aren’t they suppposed to be indestructable?

Apparently, Max knocked the dish off the TV tray during the night. I’m not used to him going onto TV trays. I yell at him if I ever see him try. And I do mean yell. Ned was so easy to scare. I could hiss and he’d go running. I can yell and clap and stomp my feet and Max will think I’m trying to play with him.

So anyway, now I have to clean up some glass. And I already missed Bob Ross, dang it. My Saturday is starting out a little bumpy. Good thing we have the most beautiful weather in store for the day. That should make it a good day indeed.

Returning to the scene of the crime.

Returning to the scene of the crime.

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