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Month: February 2010 (Page 5 of 6)

Big Birthday

Woo hoo! I’m forty today! It seems weird to say it.

I’m genuinely excited to see what my forties will be like. I have thoroughly enjoyed my thirties, but I’ve been thirty-something for ten years now. It’s time for a change. I’m now forty-something!

A good friend of mine described their forties this way: “I would categorize my 40’s as freeing. I stopped letting dumb things get stuck in my craw, I learned to say ‘No’ and not feel bad about it, and I really learned to let go of unwarranted guilt. By dumping these hampering things, you really learn to focus on what’s really important and not just in a personal way…but in a God way.”

I can hardly wait!

Actually, I took this last night while I was still 39.  My morning face can be bad.

The Blizzard of ’10

Yesterday was a snow day. Not just a day off from school (it would have been anyway since it was Saturday), but a day off from everything. I was SNOWED IN. Snowfall totals ranged from 24 to 30 inches. The largest dump of snow was in the early morning hours, but there was a steady, light snowing that continued until the afternoon. Here are some pictures of the Blizzard of ’10. How would you say that? “The Blizzard of Ten”? “The Blizzard of Oh-Ten”?

My snow-covered porch:
There was quite a bit of drifting.

My snow-covered pond:
The waterfall kept it from being completely swallowed.

The sidewalk:
After my morning shoveling, it snowed some more.

My house:
Snow up to the porch!

I waded through the snow twice to fill the bird feeder:
Lots and lots of sparrows.

Last time I saw a skier; this time a snowmobile!
I think he might have thought I was taking a picture to incriminate him, so I waved.

Harford Road was full of people walking. It looked post-apocalyptic.
We must re-build society!

Evergreen wasn’t plowed at all. Some nice person stomped a foot path though:
Red skies at night: sailors delight.  Wait... should there be an apostrophe in 'sailors'?


I had a wonderfully empty snow day yesterday. I slept late, surfed the internet, watched TV, and hung out with Max. Actually, the hanging out with Max part was kind of funny. I’m sure that when I’m gone for the day he just sleeps the whole time, so he’s pretty used to getting a lot of sleep. But yesterday, he always had to be in the same room as me. That meant no sustained periods of sleep. I almost felt a little sorry for him.

Anyway, because it was a snow day, I FINALLY could open a “Snow Day Box” that Peggy left on my door step at the beginning of January when she thought we’d have our first snow day. It didn’t happen, so I didn’t open the box. Then we kept missing snow days. I was starting to think the Box was cursing us to never have a snow day. I had resolved to ceremonially burn it in the back yard when we finally had a day off yesterday.

The camera focused on Max's head!  Hehe...

So instead of burning it, I opened it.

Max was suspicious of the Spam.

Yay! Thanks, Peggy! I fried one of the Spams for lunch.

There was a snow storm with lightning and thunder last night. More snow! I’ll take some nice pictures and post them tomorrow.


Today is Friday. That means it’s Recycling Pick Up Day. When they first switched over to a once-a-week pick up of all recyclables, I was putting out a full bin every time. Sometimes it was overflowing. But lately, it takes two weeks or even longer for my recycle bin to get filled. I think today I won’t even put it out.

So what’s going on? I don’t think I’m making any more regular trash. Most of my recyclable materials come from food packaging. Am I eating less at home? I certainly haven’t been buying any non-food items. I can’t remember the last time I went to a mall.

Ever since Brent said something, I’ve been questioning whether it makes sense to put recycling out at all. It’s more expensive to recycle than to make new items. Is that ultimately a good use of economic resources? The government is spending all this money to recycle things, and it could be using it to help people? Or, it could just not take that money to begin with?

Mostly milk jugs and carnation boxes.

BREAKING NEWS: School is closed today! Woo hoo! I’m glad I looked at our school’s website. We usually follow Baltimore County schools, but not today. I hope everybody else sees it. I’m going back to bed.

What’s it Gonna Take?

Tuesday night into yesterday morning we had snow. It ended up being four to six inches in the Baltimore area. Any normal year we would have had a snow day. But this year we’ve had so many heavy snows, the people who cancel school didn’t even blink. We had a late start yesterday, which was nice, but a snow day would have been so much nicer. Just a little un-planned break…

There’s a Nor’easter coming. The current predictions are for 12 inches or more. On Saturday. Dang.

At least I could warm up a little by clearing my truck and the sidewalk of snow.

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