Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Partially Fulfilled

For a long time now, my List has included a wish to see a cinnamon tree plantation. I’d like to know what cinnamon trees look like as they’re growing and I’d like to know how the bark gets stripped off and so forth. Some day, I’d like to visit Sri Lanka, where cinnamon is a major export. But for a while, it hasn’t been a very safe place to visit, what with the civil wars and such. Some day…

Yesterday I worked at school in the morning, but took the afternoon to do something fun. All work and no play makes Brad a dull boy. I went to Homestead Gardens. I have been saying for a while now that it’s my favorite garden center in Maryland, but I never buy anything there, so I’m starting to wonder. It’s a nice drive though, and walking around looking at plants is always fun. But on this particular visit, I was reminded of my List – they had a cinnamon tree for sale! An honest-to-goodness cinnamon tree! I might have considered buying it, but it cost $170. No, thank you. But I did get a picture of it.

Nice... but its no Sri Lanka.

It’s been about a month since my last video garden tour. Here’s the one for August:


  1. Beth

    Do the leaves smell cinnamony?

    • Brad

      I rubbed them, hoping they would smell like cinnamon. They didn’t. I was afraid to pick a leaf, though. The plant cost $170, for gosh sakes! I thought that if I damaged it, Garden Center Security would swarm on me.

  2. Lauren

    I know you said no, but I think you should consider buying the tree instead of the plane ticket. You could name the tree Sri Lanka, then every time you went into your garden you could say, “I’m going to Sri Lanka for while.”

  3. Peggy

    That is an excellent idea Lauren! And you can bet your sweet bippy that a plane ticket to Sri Lanka would be way more than the cost of that tree.

    I’ll be driving pass Homestead Gardens alot this fall. I’m guessing that tree will be on sale in a few months….what price would you pay for it?

    I’m headed that way today….right after church. But I doubt it’s on sale already.

    • Carol

      [Bippy betting takes me back quite a few decades, Peggy – thanks for that! To which I say, in a thick German accent, “veeeeeerrry interestink!”]

      Did you go? Did you put it on law-away or something? The “buy a leaf a week” plan?

      • Carol

        Of course, that was intended to be laY-away…unless you planned to outright steal the tree, in which case it should have been OUTlaw-away, I suppose…

  4. Peggy

    PS—Lauren, I’ve always wanted to go to Bora Bora. How can I make that happen in my backyard?

    • Lauren

      1. Buy a cinnamon tree.
      2. Name it Bora Bora.
      3. Go outside…. to Bora Bora!!

      I am on fire today!

  5. Lloyd

    Did you ask a stranger to take a picture of you with the tree?

    • Brad

      Heh. No. I felt crazy enough asking Denis to take my picture with the tree. I would have been too embarrassed to ask a stranger. Fortunately, the garden center was strangely empty yesterday. Not many people saw me posing for the picture.

  6. Lauren

    Lloyd is going to freak when he sees those wasted peaches.

    I have two words for that pile of masonry: BRICK OVEN. Please please please please please!!!!

  7. Beth

    Tara watched the whole thing with me and then said, “Uncle Brad’s really a plant man, huh?”


  8. Peggy

    1. Are you hugging the cinnamon tree?
    2. The waterfall DOES look great! (what happened to the parrot head?)
    3. I love the lemon grass! I’m starting to like plants like that. And I’m glad we finally got to see the sedums bloom (they’re blooming right?). I didn’t know what that would be. Now I do.
    4. Do you have a cold?
    5. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE the fire pit!!!!!!! And the plants behind it look really good!
    6. Don’t get rid of the mail bucket on the front porch if you put stuff away.
    7. Check me out….I’m talking like I know gardening stuff. Crazy huh?

    • Brad

      1. I’m putting my arm behind it… you know, like when you stand with someone while taking a picture and you put your arm behind them?
      2. I discarded the parrot feather plant. I’m considering alternatives.
      3. The sedums are just starting to bloom. They’ll be much brighter soon.
      4. It was early in the morning when I filmed this.
      5. Thanks. I would like the plants to be fuller, but that’ll happen with time.
      6. That bucket stays. It’s how I water individual plants.
      7. Becoming a gardener you are, young padawan.

  9. Lauren

    My mom will never say it, but she loved your video. (C’mon, Mom – comment!) 🙂

  10. Lauren's mom

    Love your video, Brad. I have watched it three times.

    • Lauren

      Woo-hoo!!!!! 😀

    • Brad

      Thanks. Lauren keeps telling me we’d have great conversations about gardening. Maybe you could do a video of your garden sometime. 🙂

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