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Create-A-Bed Murphy Bed: Day One

I started my murphy bed Project yesterday.The kit I got from Create-A-Bed has very detailed instructions. At first I was really nervous about all the details, but then I was really glad. They also include a DVD that shows somebody actually doing the stuff the instructions say. I was REALLY glad about that. I think I’m actually going to be able to do this.

To start, you have to get the wood. Most of the pieces you need come from plywood you cut yourself. The plywood required for this is fancy stuff. It was $45 per sheet! Ack! But I’ll be glad when I have a sturdy bed. The instructions show how you should cut the wood:
It's like a puzzle!

What I couldn’t figure out is how to cut long straight lines. I asked a former student of mine who is currently in my handbell group. He and a friend have been doing home renovation stuff on the side and really have a knack for it. His suggestion was to clamp a piece of wood to the plywood as a guide for my circular saw. Capital idea, Tim! Thanks!
This involved lots and LOTS of measuring.  I still messed up one cut and had to re-do it.

The DVD shows the bed being built on a gigantic table. I don’t have a gigantic table, but I do just so happen to have two folding banquet tables that I’ve been using for Bible study. I took them out on the front porch and cut all my wood on them. They were perfect! I could saw plywood into pieces, and the blade passed harmlessly between the tables.
There was sawdust EVERYWHERE!

By the time it was getting dark, I had all my long cuts done. I still have to shorten almost all of these boards, but that will be quick work. The instructions have them all labelled with letters from the alphabet. I’ve used tape labels to keep them sorted.
The weather was GORGEOUS yesterday.

According to the instructions, the first thing I build doesn’t actually use these boards at all. I will use pre-cut boards to make the slat assemblage that the mattress rests on. I’m nervous because measurement seems so important, and I’m scared I’ll make a mistake, but if the DVD guy can do it, so can I!


  1. Carol

    Even if this – for some horrific reason now known only to the gods of irritation – this shouldn’t turn out per instruction manual, I still give you very high marks for chuzpah, bravery, gumption, initiative, and all those other things teachers used to mark in the narrative portion of report cards (well, maybe they’d never say “chuzpah”). My biggest trial with pylwood was making the 4’x16′ ramp for our late dog – failing to take into consideration that the waterproofing with which I coated the plywood would make it too slick for him to actually walk down. That only had two long cuts and the addition of two hinges and I still botched it. You are already WAY ahead of me in the woodworking area. Carry on…

  2. Lauren

    So, I’ve strained my eyes trying to read all the names of the pieces. This is so exciting! I have questions!

    Does this include materials for an outer cabinet cover, or do you decide on that yourself?
    If you are using pre-cut boards for the mattress to rest on, what is part J (and it’s companion part) for? They say ‘mattress support’.

    I am so impressed that you made those cuts yourself! Our hardware store will make them for you, but it costs per cut. Totally worth it, as we all know I am shaky with the math.

    So! Exciting!!

    • Brad

      These instructions include the outer cabinet. It’s just a basic box. You can add trim and moulding to change its look. I intend to add trim that matches my door frames and windows.

      Those mattress support pieces are thin pieces of plywood you put on top of the slats so the mattress rests on a flat surface.

  3. Peggy

    Dude! This is extraordinary!! I have no doubt that you can do this, but I’m still amazed by it! I can’t wait to see the progression of this project!

    And now I’m wondering about what other ‘Murphy’ possibilites there are out there just waiting to be discovered. Extra seating in living rooms? Tables in kitchens? Fish tanks? Well, that’s probably not a good idea.

  4. AJ

    Hey Brad, how much did all the wood total up too?$$$

    • Brad

      Hi AJ. There were a couple of options for wood. I decided to get hardwood plywood, which was not the cheaper option, but it made a nicer finished product.

      The lumber I got for the project was around $330
      The screws and nails were around $40

  5. AJ

    Thanks Brad!

  6. shella

    hi brad can talk to you through email? about the murphy bed? I hope i can.. =)

  7. jesse

    Hi brad,
    I know its been years since the original posting. .. do you think its possible to send me a copy of these instructions (scanned or hard copies).


    • Brad

      Hi Jesse.
      I don’t have the instructions any more. Sorry. I don’t think they would be of much use without the hardware they send anyway. There were latches, hinges, bumpers, and pneumatic springs that came with the kit.

  8. Karen

    I bought the mechanism, moved & have lost the instructions – can anyone send me a PDF of them?

    • Karen D

      Call the Create-A-Bed people. 877-966-3852
      I had lost my DVD during a move and they sent one right away at no cost. They can probably email the plans. Good luck. I still haven’t started mine. I’m afraid my cuts will be off. I’m re-attempting to take the leap of faith now. That’s how I found your question.

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