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I feed the birds regularly. The feeder is right outside my kitchen window, so I can watch them while I wash dishes or eat or whatever. It’s fun to observe them. I see mostly sparrows and turtledoves, and every once in a while a pair of cardinals or some grackles. Yesterday, I noticed that I’m not the only one who likes to watch the birds.

The bird feeder is in the center of the picture.  The Watcher is to the right.

The birds saw him and stayed away.

I’m glad Orange Cat is around to catch rats and rabbits, but I wish he would leave the birds alone. He is getting old, so maybe he won’t be fast enough to catch them any more. He can stick to slow, fat rats. And the food that my neighbor Carl puts out for him. 🙂


  1. Lauren

    Awwwwww…. can’t Orange Cat have a grackle? C’mon – a bird born with a snack name deserves to be eaten.

    • Carol

      HA! Good one…as usual…

  2. Lloyd

    Pass the Grackle &tm;

  3. Carol

    Yesterday evening at home I was greeted by a large yellow dog…with a mouse corpse in his mouth. He wouldn’t surrender it until he took it indoors and dropped it at “Dad’s” feet…then “Mom” got the plastic-bag coffin to dispose of the body. This must be #4 in the series. I, too, am glad he is not (generally) attracted to bird corpses, and I am fairly sure none of this would be happening if the resident feline weren’t sitting off on the sidelines, smirking.

  4. Peggy

    Feed the birds…. (such a sad song, sniff)

    Lauren, you funny!!
    Orange cat, you sneaky!
    Grackles, you delicious!

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