Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Then and Now

For our parents’ 50th wedding anniversary, my siblings and I decided to reproduce an old photo of us as children. My mom has a bunch of pictures hanging up in the hallway of their house. We decided to go with one of those. It looks like this:

Aww... So cute...

Aww… So cute…

We got some clothes that sort of matched what we were wearing in that old picture, then Beth asked a photographer friend to take our picture.

We went to Beth's office at school and used the conference room.

We went to Beth’s office at school and used the conference room.

Getting the right pose was hard. Everyone’s head was bigger. And then there was the hand. In the original picture, Brent’s hand is holding Beth upright. As we were getting arranged for the picture, he said: “What are we doing about the hand?” Ha! We all started laughing.

In the end, we got a pretty good approximation. Here is the result:

Aww... So cute... Or something...

Aww… So cute… Or something…

Here’s a side-by-side:



  1. Carol

    What a clever idea – I bet Mom & Dad smiled a lot when they saw what you three came up with. I had been wondering how this was going to turn out…
    I think of the three, you definitely captured the essence if the original expression, sir. Nicely done.

  2. Lauren

    That is so funny!! I can’t believe that you all made it through the photo session without busting a gut! Best anniversary present ever!

  3. Lloyd

    What? No mouseover? I’m a little disappointed (with you, not the picture).

    • Brad

      D’oh! A mouseover! I’ll see if I can fix that.

  4. Peggy

    LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!!! Great looking kids….then & now!! What a wonderful idea you guys!! And what perfect improv skills for ‘the hand’ Beth! HAHA!!

    Btw: Did you stoop Brad to be shorter than Brent….or is he standing on something?

  5. Aunt Bev

    AMAZING!!! GREAT JOB, BRAD!!! (^_^)

  6. Elaine Royuk

    Sneaky kids! Very surprised! Loved it! Hope they made extra prints, ’cause if this is the only one, they will certainly “fight over it” when we are gone!

  7. Jill

    Oh my goodness, that is hilarious! Beth’s expression kills me. Good job, B, B & B!!

  8. Kim

    What a great idea. There is nothing parents love more than seeing their children having fun together. A great gift. Happy Anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Royuk!

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