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Doctor Day

I went to the doctor yesterday. It had been a long time since my last visit, so I had a whole laundry list of things to ask him about. I got a lot of good information. While I was there, I asked him about some bumps here and there. He drew circles around some of them so he could send them to the dermatologist. One of them was on my foot.

I also got a blood test for cholesterol and blood sugar. I’m curious to see my results. My diet isn’t the greatest, but I’ve been exercising. That’s good, right?


  1. Lauren

    Good for you for having a doctor day! Those always seem like a good idea. I hope all your results come back saying that you are perfectly fine and healthy, or that any troubles are an easy fix. 🙂

  2. Carol

    Hope your dermatology visit goes like mine did a few months back – she actually used the word “perfect” to describe the scan. ‘Course, there was a suspicious spot biopsied, but by His grace – nadda.

    And what is “perfect” for us older folk might be “pretty good for someone with that many miles on your odometer”, so…

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