I think there’s a skunk under my house. It walks by the back window at dusk. A couple of days ago, I saw it behind the access grate for my crawlspace. That same night, it was scratching at the ventilation screens on the other side of the house. Yuck.
Yesterday, I got some moth balls to throw under the house. The internet says skunks don’t like strong smells, and that’s for sure a strong smell. I closed off one of the access grates:
And left the other one open:
Besides throwing some moth balls into the crawlspace area, I put some by each ventilation screen:
Hopefully all of this will convince the skunk to leave. I read that they’re actually kind of beneficial to gardens because they like to eat grubs. But I would think they are un-beneficial to gardeners if they are surprised and end up spraying.
Yikes. Scram, little skunk. You may be cute, but find a woodsy area for your home, ok?
I feel compelled to show this video, though. Did you know that skunks sound like Beaker from the Muppets?
I had never heard a skunk. Ha!
They are adORable! Regardless the bouquet, I think I’d prefer those fluffy cuties over Chuck, our resident groundhog for years now (we may be having his son or grandson by now, it’s been that long.)