Welcome to Brad's online memory archives.

Country Fair

We had our annual fall festival event called Country Fair yesterday at school. They were setting up as I arrived, and I noticed a beautiful sunrise.

I went looking to see if I posted about this last year, and I did, and I also took a picture of the sunrise then. Heh.

This year’s event was fun. The eighth grade class is bigger, so there were more kids who wanted to take a turn getting dunked in the dunk tank. I chose not to take a turn so they could all enjoy it.

I was beat when I got home. I fell asleep on the couch, and woke up just in the nick of time for my online exercise appointment. I was kind of a zombie while I exercised though. I think it was a hard session for my trainer. Sorry, Cristina.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    No wonder you were beat – you have a very, very full week. I’m glad the fair went well! Please find some rest in your weekend. 🙂

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