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Curious Combination

Happy Birthday to my nephew Daniel! And to Samith! Woo hoo!

Also, Happy Ash-entines Day! What an interesting combination of days – Ash Wednesday and Valentines Day. That chapel message writes itself though, and I’m on the schedule for chapel today. Nice! We’ll do ashes too, using the old tried-and-true method of burned corks.

I got some valentines for my homeroom kids. They’re Star Wars! 🙂

One of the moms is bringing some food in for a Valentines breakfast. Hopefully the craziness will be short-lived. I like a structured schedule.

In the evening, we’ll have the first of our Wednesday night Lenten services. I absolutely LOVE ending the day with a church service, but it sure makes for a long day.


  1. Carol

    [Ash-entine’s…hmmm…I like it!]

    Our Senior Center’s VD party (…oh, my; that didn’t come out right, did it? Anyway…) is this noon. Big doings. Ironically, they are serving roast beef and all the fixings. I say “ironically” because a large number of the regular members and attendees are practicing Catholics (hey…it’s Maryland after all) but it did not seem to bother any of them that this was also Ash Wednesday. It may hit them this morning, after they’ve attended early mass at the neighborhood RC church, but I’m fairly sure they’ll still participate. Interesting…

    BTW, did your church offer a Shrove Tuesday pancake supper? Bethlehem’s was yummy with the usual eggs/pancakes/sausages/baked goods offerings. Never a disappointment IMHO.

    Off to consider what new/good behavior I might want to embrace for these next six weeks. (A former co-worker in the Kingdom taught me this aporoach to Lent. 😉 )

  2. Lauren

    You can’t spell Valentine without Lent.

    I pray it is a good day for everyone in education!

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