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Dance Day

There was a middle school dance at school last night. I’m thankful for a mom who did the work of organizing the kids on the student council. They got decorations up and food planned and music assembled.

It went really well. I was the bouncer and sat outside most of the time. It was easier on my ears, since the music was loud. It was lighter inside than the picture makes it look. The kids danced a lot, and had lots of fun.


  1. Lauren

    Good call being the bouncer. Did you look tough and check IDs? Did you send them to the back of the line if they weren’t dressed cool enough? (I only know bouncer behavior from movies.)

  2. Carol

    Along those same lines, I am trying to picture you standing, arms crossed in front, sleeves rolled up with a pack of cigarettes inside one, possibly even chewing some gum while standing watching over young adolescents indoors. Every chaperone’s dream I should think…congratulations.

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