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Easter Tie

Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

I went looking for an Easter tie yesterday, and was dismayed to find out that ties are made kind of narrow these days. I think narrow ties make my belly look bigger. I don’t care for them at all. I looked in various stores at the mall, but it was all the same… thin. And expensive. Yikes! The cheapest tie I saw was $34. Why are ties so expensive? They’re just a small strip of fabric!

Anyway, I decided to checkout Goodwill. It payed off! I found a bright yellow tie. It wasn’t too thin, and it was $4. Nice!

I got the other tie too, because it was nice. It’s not as Easter-y, but it’ll be a good one for times I need a nice tie.


  1. Lauren

    While I agree that it is a gorgeous tie, I have to wonder…….. is it possible that you have an Easter tie in your collection? 😉

    I’m kidding! Enjoy that gorgeous tie, and happy Easter! The Lord is risen!

  2. Brady

    Had the same thought Lauren!

  3. Brad

    I get one new tie every year – on Easter. Except when I buy two ties on Easter. But they were only $4, so it wasn’t that spendy. 🙂

  4. Brady

    That’s fair.

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