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A Bit of Bowling

I did go to school yesterday, but it was just to do chapel and teach a math class. Then I went home and slept on the couch for three hours. It was a serious nap.

In the evening, we had our last Youth Group Night of the school year. We celebrated by going to a bowling alley that is super close to my house.

It was a lot nicer inside than I was expecting, and there were a lot of families there. It was a really nice place, and the kids had a lot of fun.

And then I went to bed early.


  1. Carol

    You party animal you. Napping, then bowling, then going to bed. I’m exhausted just reading this.

    Translation: your school seems to understand the benefit of play and community building. Good for them/you!

  2. Lauren

    You had to go to work?!?!? I think someone needs to have a little talk with the people who plan these things……………… 🙁

    Cool bowling alley, though.

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