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Busy and Bruno

Things are so, so busy at the end of the year. People always ask if I’m excited for the school year to end. The truth is, I never am, because these last days are so hard.

Yesterday was our Field Day – lots of fun contests done by cross-graded groups. I helped with the frisbee toss. Today is a somewhat unstructured day. All the classes are going on fun field trips, but the eighth graders already did their Disney Day, so we’re hanging out with each other at school and having lunch with our kindergarten buddies, who will be having a stay-cation day. Tomorrow is a half day, then graduation, then a banquet for the eighth grade.

Lately when I come home, I’ve just been having couch time with Bruno. Good ol’ Bruno…


  1. Lauren

    Thank God for Bruno – a bit of comfort in your very busy world. At least some relief is in sight though. Just get through this last bit, yes? 🙂

  2. Elaine Royuk

    I just want to rub his little wrinklie head, gently!

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