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Category: Food (Page 5 of 147)

Considerable Comestibles

Today and tomorrow are half days at school so we can do parent/teacher conferences. Since yesterday was the last whole day before Thanksgiving (we have the whole week off next week because of our Lutheran Educator Conference), the kindergarteners had their Thanksgiving Feast. And since the eighth graders are chapel buddies with the kindergarteners, they got invited to the feast. It was so fun!

There was stuff to do on the tables before everyone got their food:

There was an amazing Fruit Turkey:

And there was so much good food! (The parents assured me that the dinosaur nuggets were made from real dinosaur meat)

Afterward, we went out to play on the playground with our buddies. Much fun was had by all.

The school day ended up being very busy. I collapsed into my desk chair after school and fell asleep. I woke with little time to spare before my second Thanksgiving Feast of the day – this time with the Middle School Youth Group from church.

I should have taken a picture of the dessert selections. They were all brought by the kids. There were SO many good things!

After eating, we did a service project. Each year, the church and school collects leftover Halloween candy to be distributed to veterans. It’s called Treats for Troops. The youth group kids bagged the candy in sandwich bags so it could be taken to the distribution place. It was chaotic and fun.

And believe it or not, we bagged it all! Wow!

Bins and Bon Bons

I have a table with shelves the kitchen that has become a catch-all for home improvement materials. I like that it’s all at my fingertips there in the kitchen, but I don’t like how it looks kind of cluttered. I went looking for some bins or boxes I could use to organize and camouflage the things.

The Container Store! Surely there would be something appropriate. There was indeed, but it was expensive. I didn’t get it.

I did stop at a drug store later though, and get some chocolate covered cherries. They’re the first ones of the Holiday Season! Yum!

Birthday Bites

Happy Halloween! And Reformation!

Yesterday was the birthday of one of my students. His family brought pizza and cupcakes. The cupcakes were homemade by the student’s sister, and they were delicious!

The family also brought a special treat for all his teachers – chocolate covered strawberries! Wow! They were in a fun container:

And the strawberries themselves were amazing:

They were also delicious! Yum!

Eating Experiments

Last night was Bible study night at my house. This time, I tried Triscuits, French Onion Sun Chips, and Almond M&Ms.

One of the guys ate some Sun Chips, but that’s it. These experiments have been so interesting. One of them suggested that one of our meetings in December be just a social gathering with some food. I wonder if the kinds of things they bring will reveal more about their tastes…

Snack Selections

Happy Friday the Thirteenth! Oooo… Ahhh… Stay in your room tonight….

I had Bible study at my house last night. I have been hesitant to put out any really good snacks or drinks. I don’t want to feel like I have to top myself each week.

The first week, I put out pretzels, Chex mix, and honey roasted peanuts. There was only a little interest. This week, I decided to try Doritos, peanut M&Ms, and Gardettos mix.

I think of Gardettos as being more fancy than Chex, so I expected more interest. There wasn’t.

But one of the guys who didn’t eat anything last time, ate some M&Ms this time. Hmm… maybe I should try more sweet things.

Dang it. I think is a slippery slope. I think I’m destined to get fancier as I go…

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