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Category: Projects (Page 2 of 50)

Coloring Completed

Last week Monday, I was off from school. I started painting my bedroom, but I ran out of time. Yesterday I finished it! Woo hoo! I completed something!

The old color was a purplish brown. The new color is a bluish/grayish white. It’s called “Ice Sculpture”. Here are some before and after pictures. The “after” looks shiny, because it wasn’t dry yet, but I wanted to post pictures from daytime. The finish on the new paint is matte.

Maybe tomorrow I can put the room back in order. If I get my grading done in a timely manner.

Closet Completion

During the week, I fantasize about doing something productive on Saturday in my house, but then Saturday comes, and I really don’t want to do anything.

But this time, I DID do something! I finally straightened and organized my closet!

I took the “before” pictures at the beginning of August. Ha! I got the dresser back then and started using it, but didn’t do the rest of the organizing.

So here’s the process:

I got everything off the shelves! It looks so clean. I hung a shop light on the wall inside the closet, so I don’t use the floor lamp any more. And the closet was the perfect place for the picture of my iris.

One room in my house is done! Woo hoo!

Ditch Dug

My final pool improvement has started…. I’m getting a heater!

I know it sounds a little weird to be getting a pool heater in Southern California, but my pool is consistently cold. Maybe it was built on top of a pet cemetery or something…

Anyway, the new heater requires a new gas line. They started on the line yesterday. It just looks like a trench to me. There is supposed to be some more work today.

Should I have waited to post about this until I had more information? Maybe, but yesterday was my first day of school, and in all the excitement, I forgot to take any pictures. School went well though. I’m looking forward to more (and normal) classroom time today. I want to establish my new routine. I like routines.

Paint Pictures

The living room is painted! I got things back in order, and the new paint is dry. Here are the “before” and “after” pictures:

So this seems to happen to me a lot. I choose a color I really like. I put samples on the wall. I live with it for a while. Then I paint the whole room. And the paint looks different. This paint is more blue than I was expecting. It even looks a little on the purple side. Ugh.

I do at least like that it’s lighter in the room now. But I think I might be re-painting. If I do, it’s going to be a while. I have school stuff to do now.

A Slow Start

I have big plans for the next couple of weeks. They are supposed to be my not-school-or-church-projects days. I made a list. It is a little intimidating, but it’s also kind of exciting. I have been waiting to do some of these things for months.

Yesterday I thought I would paint, which will be a huge job. Instead, I used the power of positive procrastination to do a few smaller things on the list.

I unpacked my suitcase finally. Bruno helped me:

I moved the hand towel rack in the hallway bathroom. Bruno helped me:

I put door handles in the sliding door to the master bathroom. Bruno didn’t help me. He was scared of the jigsaw.

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