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I’ve had a camellia plant for about four years now. Camellias are weird because they bloom in winter. I tried to site mine accordingly by putting it on the south side of my house. That way it gets winter sun. Still, it has only bloomed twice. Once in 2006, and once again… RIGHT NOW! Yay!

I haven’t really known how to pronounce “camellia”, so I looked it up. The web pages I found reminded me that a particular variety of camellia, Camellia Sinensis, is the plant whose leaves are what we know as tea.

Anyway, I’m excited my plant is blooming. The Early Dark makes it hard to see when I come home, but I appreciate how its flowers rage against the dying of the light.

Care for a spot of tea?


  1. Lauren

    Go, little flower, go!

    Brad, I hope you get on some plant version of ‘Jeopardy’ someday. (Split the prize money with your fans, ok?)

  2. Deanne

    Rage on!

  3. Peggy

    Oh please do make a spot of homemade tea from your plant & maybe you could give it a nice English name and even make a nice sophisticated commericial for it.


  4. Carol

    You are quite the poet, you know – “rage against the dying of the light” is pretty snazzy talkin’ for a middle school chapel-and-religion-class-teacher guy who was actually trained in physical sciences, math, and classical pie-an-oh. AND you type Latin in italics with just the right inflection! You are purty amazin’, Brad.

    –card-carrying member, BRFC

    • Lauren


      • Beth

        Brad Royuk Fan Club. Aren’t you a member?

  5. Brad

    I tried putting an easter egg in, but my links don’t show up very well. “Rage against the dying of the light” is a line from a poem that we studied in high school. It really stuck with me, because I still remember it. The easter egg (the “t” at the end of light) takes you to a page where you can listen to the poem. It sounds really funny. Or should I say reahlleh funneh.

    • Lauren

      I’m not used to you laying eggs. I’m listening to it now and CRACKING UP!!!

      – Lauren, late to the BRFC

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