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A Quick Trip to the Garden

I had big plans to poison bugs and fungus and do some weeding in the garden. It’s been so freaky-warm here that everything is sprouting and blooming. I imagined myself spending a big chunk of the day in the beautifully warm air, getting recharged by the sunshine.

And then it rained.

I did at least go out to take some pictures. The back yard is full of pink in the spring. The Chinese fringe flower bushes are gorgeous. So is the peach tree.
Peach tree in the middle, fringe flower to the right.

Years ago, I bought a “collection” of pink daffodil varieties. They’ve never looked very pink, because they require cool weather. Usually it goes from COLD! to HOT! in the spring. This year, my daffodils actually have sort of a pink coloration to them.
Sort of yellowish/pinkish.

And since it really needed a cleanout. And since the frogs haven’t laid their eggs yet. And since I wanted to at least do SOMEthing in the garden, I cleaned the pond. I’ll probably have one more cleanout before the summer. The algae is growing so quickly. It’s perfect conditions: warm temperatures, but the pond plants are still dormant.

I still have to cut that grass back some time.


  1. Lauren

    *sigh* It is lovely. If you ever move, you’ll have to charge double for your house because the garden is so nice.

    We haven’t done anything to our yard yet. I think perhaps today I’ll dedicate 15 minutes to it, since that’s all the hard labor I can stand.

    Lazy Girl

  2. Peggy

    This is the 1st non-yellow daffodil I’ve ever seen! I love them! And great shot btw!

    Your pond looks like something that would be featured on The Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous. Question: The plants that you have in there (the water lillies I think), do their pots stay in the pond all winter or do you have to remove them? You’re full bloomin’ pond is the best!

  3. Carol

    I agree with Peggy regarding the pink-fringed daffodils: your shot is postcard-worthy…fancy house and garden magazine cover-worthy even! I thought our house was cool because the King Alfred daffodils lining the driveway were always exceptionally large-headed (this is not a reflection on their self-image, by the way) – yet, your pink ones are amazing. Way ta’ pick ’em!

    Offer still stands for anyone willing to re-work our front patch since the Great Foundation lifting of summer 2011. [The black plastic covering the patch is rising slowly – methinks some weeds really don’t need sunlight to grow…]

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