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I went to a restaurant yesterday and had steak. I always order my steaks cooked medium, but they often seem overcooked. Am I the one who is confused about what medium means, or are restaurants confused? Or is it possible that the steaks are medium when the chef takes it off the grill, but it somehow continues cooking on the way to the table? Whatever the case, my “medium” steaks always seem only slightly pinkish and are dry and tough. Where’s the tenderness? Where’s the juice?

I have made a decision: from this day forward, I will order my steaks to be cooked medium-rare. After running this experiment for a while, I will decide whether or not to go with full-on rare.

Dang it, my camera didn't focus.  But you get the idea.


  1. Carol

    So is your picture of a medium-cooked steak, or a medium-rare one? I’d say MR, but then what you typed confused me a bit – there’s lots of pink and juice (euphemism for “blood”!) visible in your snapshot, so I’m figuring MR. Thurman goes for MR all the time and never seems to regret it. Forward, then, into the juicy/bloody world of meat cooked MR!! (Wait until your digestive system tells you how it feels about that, though; I fear as I get more miles on my personal odometer, my body’s tolerance for incompletely-cooked red meat is decreasing. Sad, really… 🙁

  2. Lauren

    Dont let me cook steak for you. I never have any idea hoe done that thing is. Bloody or burnt are you two options, and Fate does the ordering.

  3. Ron Royuk

    Where did you go? Your pic looked so appetizing that I could actually smell it and almost take a bite! That was one good-looking steak and I hope it tasted as good as it looks!!

  4. Lloyd

    The last time I ordered a steak (last week), my medium rare steak came out medium well instead. I’m not sure what happened.

  5. Peggy

    That steak looks plenty juicy to me.

    Does this only happen in Balto? Will the experiment work in Nebraska?
    I like mine medium well. Just slightly south of burnt.

  6. Brad

    The picture is of the dry, overly-done steak I had yesterday. The “juice” on the plate is butter from my baked potato and A-1 sauce. I had to dredge the steak through it to make it palatable.

    THIS is a tasty, juicy steak. Bertucci’s cooks “medium” the way I like it.

    And after reading some entries on the internet about rare steaks and how delicious they are, I have to say I may even just ask for plain old “rare”. At bull roasts, I sure like the outright red cuts the best.

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