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A Meaningful Dog

I spent a big chunk of yesterday digging through the boxes of textiles from the cleaners. I say “textiles” instead of “clothes” because so many of the boxes were sheets and towels. Apparently, I really like sheets and towels. I may have a problem.

Actually, what I think is really happening is that I’ve never thrown any sheets or towels away. I still have the twin sheets and the blue towels from my first apartment in Seattle. That was twenty years ago! I guess it’s just hard to get rid of them because they still work. But I should probably stop buying new sheets and towels.

One of the boxes had a couple of stuffed animals in it. One was a very old dog. I keep asking the story of it from my mom or from Beth, but then I promptly forget again. I don’t think it was actually mine. It might have been Brent’s? Or maybe it was my mom’s? Whatever the case, the cleaners washed it. It’s clean, but the insides are a little crunchy now. I will continue to hold on to it, because it has some kind of significance.

A friendly, fuzzy dog.

A friendly, fuzzy dog.

The missing ear was in a separate envelope.

The missing ear was in a separate envelope.

I fly to Nebraska today. I leave later than usual. My info, so you can follow along at home:
Delta #1425
Depart Baltimore 4:30pm
Arrive Atlanta 6:25pm

Delta #1628
Depart Atlanta 7:21pm
Arrive Omaha 8:51pm


  1. Carol

    “The missing ear was in a separate envelope”, eh? Tell us truthfully – was the Mafia involved somehow? Poor pup…he does look all fluffy and clean, though. Maybe while you’re home you can learn the story (again) and post it here so you will never have to ask any more. Just a thought.

    BTW: after visiting the new feline family at the vet (we are “grandparents” – four kitties born yesterday at 8 a.m. Yea Li’l Momma!) and having Michele over for the house sitting rundown, it feels like there may be time for lunch before the burning plane episode of the day. Start thinking where you’d like to go then….

    • Brad

      Well, wherever it is, I can only eat as much food as will fit in an airsick bag. That’s my rule about eating before flying.

  2. Peggy

    D’oh….I laughed at the 2nd picture of the dog…but he looks so adorable with the missing ear. Exactly like the kind of dog I would adopt in real life. (I adopted a dog with 3 legs…Sam….great dog!)

    Happy flying & more importantly…..landing!

  3. Lloyd

    Little known fact: hundred dollar bills get crunchy after you wash them.

    • Peggy

      Hehe…..and like I said, I’d like to adopt that dog!!

  4. Elaine Royuk

    I think you are “holding on to the dog” because your Grama Hummel made it. Beth can probably confirm. The stitching that holds the leg on to the body seems to confirm it for me.:)

  5. Debbie Foelber

    We still have some towels and sheets that we got for wedding presents 37 years ago! Safe travels!

  6. Michele

    Old sheets make great drop cloths. Old towels make great rags. Just saying!
    Glad you found the pup that went with that ear!

  7. Lauren

    Bring me a towel and I’ll make another dog for you. A dog whose origin will be repeatedly forgotten. (Not stuffed with hundred-dollar bills.)

    • Kris

      You can make a dog out of a towel? Show us!

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