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I did a lot of people-watching yesterday. In the morning, I went to an auction with Lloyd. The University of Nebraska in Lincoln regularly auctions off surplus items. Yesterday was one of those scheduled times. It was fascinating to watch people bid for things and bid against each other. I tried to guess what they were buying the stuff for. It was pretty easy to tell who was there to get something for their house, and who was there to buy and re-sell things.

There were a few computers there.

There were a few computers there.

In the evening, I went to a winery with a group of family and friends. We drank wine and sangria. We munched on delicious snacks. We listened to fun music. And I people-watched. It was fascinating to see people talking and laughing with each other. I tried to guess who were romantic couples and who were just friends. It was pretty obvious which was which.

It doesn't look like it in this picture, but there were a LOT of people there.

It doesn’t look like it in this picture, but there were a LOT of people there.


  1. Lauren

    Ha! ‘A few computers’ indeed. Kudos to you for sticking it out through an entire auction! Lloyd should give out a medal. (I would never win one.)

    I was amazed at all the ladies at the winery dressed in their beautiful summer-casual dresses. They looked so effortlessly lovely. I felt a wee bit underdressed in my dirty white t-shirt and cargo pants.

  2. Peggy

    That sounds like an absolutely fantastic day!

    But if I may, where are the milkerys? With music, beautiful gardens, & chocolate or regular milk to be accompanied by warm cookies, brownies & little cakes or donuts.

    • Brad

      That is an awesome idea!
      Note to self: look into the possibility of opening a milkery….

  3. Michele

    We’ve enjoyed “people watching” this weekend at the beach. Oh boy, there are some interesting folks out there. Never a dull moment in Ocean City, MD!
    Hope Nebraska is treating you well.

    • Brad

      Thanks, Michele! And Happy Birthday to you! Dang it, with the different visitation schedule this year, I forgot. I hope it was a good one!

  4. Carol

    [Gee, had I known you were going to an Old Computers Convention, we could have sent you out to Nebraska with several of the ones in our basement … and still in the living room, in point of fact….]

    Any people watching me may have done while in VA. was spent observing how many Midwestern accents we heard waiting in lines. The locals were smart enough to stay indoors during the intense heat, I reckon.

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