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Annapolis Again

The middle school went on a field trip to Annapolis yesterday. It was very fun. I used to go once a year with the seventh grade at my old school, so this trip brought back a lot of memories. We toured the Naval Academy and the state house, then took a short boat ride.

My favorite part about the Naval Academy is the dorm. I don’t know what it is about dorm life that is so appealing to me. Maybe it’s just the crowds of people. I enjoy being around people. It also helps that the Naval Academy dorm is such a gorgeous building.

On our way in.

On our way in.

The light fixtures in the dorm entryway are weird and really cool. I’ve written about them before, but even after five years, I still want one. I think I would even be willing to pay a lot of money for a light like this.

This picture is almost identical to the one I took in 2010.

This picture is almost identical to the one I took in 2010.

The boat ride in the afternoon was really fun. I went on this short cruise this past May. I’m glad I was able to hear the recorded narration then, because yesterday I spent all my time hovering around kids to make sure they were behaving.

The weather yesterday was gorgeous!

The weather yesterday was gorgeous!


  1. Gretchen

    Hovering? So you have become a helicopter teacher? Goodness, this helicopter thing had become an epidemic!

    • Brad

      Hehe… We weren’t the only ones on the boat. Other people were there, and they each paid $12 to be there. I didn’t want rowdy or thoughtless students spoiling their time on the boat.

      • Carol

        My kinda chaperon – way to go, sir! (And I always thought “chaperon” had an “e” at the end, but Spellcheck tells me otherwise. Interesting…)

  2. Lauren

    Gretchen – ha! 🙂

    Holy cow – you guys really know how to take field trips! All that beautiful stuff plus a cruise? Wow!

    I never found the light fixture, but I’ll get right to work making one today. 😉

  3. Peggy

    Did you know that the midshipman all walk from the Academy to the football stadium for every game (the stadium is not on campus). As they walk in the streets, people stand on the sidewalks and throw candy at them! Wait, I bet that happens to you when you walk down the street.

    • Carol

      HA! I bet you’re right Peggy (whom I miss – when can we Red Robin again and get caught up?); I bet you’re right.

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