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Thank You, Carnation

Because I did the Carnation Instant Breakfast survey, I got a gift card from the ad agency. I’ve had trouble deciding what to do with it. If it were cash, I would have put it in the funds I’m saving for Ned II. I carried the card around in my coat pocket for a while, and was struck with inspiration while walking through the Lowes Home Improvement warehouse – I would get my under cabinet lights. The card only paid for one and a half lights, but still, it was nice to have the discount.

I think my problem all along has not been the work it would take to install the lights, it’s been the decisions I would have to make: What kind of lights would I get? How many of them would I need? How would I place them? Yikes!

The decision came down to halogen or xenon. I decided to get halogen, because they were offered in 25 watt size – 5 watts more than the highest offering in xenon. I got a bunch of light fixtures, and brought them home… only to see that the shelves were mislabeled and I had brought home a bunch of 20 watt xenon lights. D’oh! Not wanting to go back to the store, I kept them. Xenon are supposed to be less hot and have better color anyway.

The next decision was how to place them. I want these to be work lights, not decorative lights. It turns out, they’re pretty bright. My only difficulty was the sink. I’ve had a clip-on light socket hanging over the sink for the last year and a half. I’m used to the sink being pretty brightly illuminated. I went back to Lowes for inspiration, and saw them: little one-bulb fixtures that tilted! I got one for each side of the sink.

Their installation was exceedingly easy. I now have under cabinet lights that are controlled by a light switch next to my sink.

The two major kitchen projects that remain are the backsplash, and the cabinet trim and toe-kicks.

It's hard to get a picture of the whole countertop.


  1. Deanne

    It’s truly wonderful. I’m speechless.

  2. Lauren

    Wow! You are an electrical magician! Anything electrical scares the jibblies out of me, so I’m way impressed. Will you come re-wire my basement? Really, I’m not kidding.

  3. Kim

    very nicely done!

  4. Beth

    I think you improperly titled your new cat fund. It should be the “funds I’m saving for Bruce”, right?

    Nice lights. I hope it makes you really want to finish that backsplash.

  5. Peggy

    That’s awesome Brad! Nice job! I love that they all light with the flip of just one switch. Magnificent!

    (um, are you sure you sent the government enough $)

    • Brad

      Ha! I haven’t sent the government ANY money yet. I’ll wait until April 15 to do that.

      I think my angry reaction to having so much money taken from me is a reflexive desire to spend it while I have it.

      I know, I know… it’s self-destructive. But life’s no fun without a little self-destruction. 🙂

  6. Annette

    Nice knobs 🙂

    • Carol

      All this time has passed and NObody picked on this comment yet?! Shame on Bradaptationlanders – you’re slipping!

      …and I wish I could see anything out your kitchen window. My screen is too dark to infer [or imply; always get those confused] any images on the other side. That tends to be the case on this end of cyber space, I’ve noticed. Y’all often comment on things invisible to my eye. Perhaps I have to have Hogsqueal spit in my eyes some day (homage to recently-seen flick).

  7. Lauren


    • Beth


  8. Curt

    Brad, how did you do the wiring? Through and down the wall, under the sink, up the wall to the switch? I would like to do the same thing sometime.

    Also take a close look out the window at the building. It looks like a child is looking out the second window and someone taller out the third. Is everyone seeing what I am seeing?

    • Brad

      I didn’t do that wiring. I was too chicken. I had an electrician do it. But now that I’ve seen what he did, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal. For me, it was part of a larger job. They replaced the breaker box and everything. But if you’re just running a new electrical line into an existing box, Brent does that all the time.

      HERE is what the wiring looked like before I put the wall up.

    • Beth

      I see the creepy shadow in that window. Thanks now I’ll have bad dreams. *jibblie*

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