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Driving with Two Feet

I went to Lincoln last night to have dinner with my Uncle Paul and Aunt Linda. They used to live in Baltimore and we would have dinner together sometimes. Last night we ate Mexican food and caught up with each other. It was like old times.

In order to get to Lincoln, I had to borrow a car. Lauren was gracious enough to lend me their car.

But it’s a stick-shift.

I’m actually not that bad, but it takes all my concentration to drive when I use a stick-shift. I had several incidents when I was at a stop light going uphill with another car behind me. I’m proud to say I never stalled out and I don’t think I even was hard on the engine.

I’m an excellent driver.

This picture is staged.  The car is not actually in motion.  No animals were harmed in the taking of this picture.


  1. Deanne

    But… did you remember to keep your foot OFF the clutch when you didn’t need it?

    Nice shoes, by the way.

  2. Beth

    I can drive a stick in desperate times…but not well by any means. Congratulations on your abilities, Brad! 😀

    And while this is not the post relative, I’m putting up the cappuccino recipe here anyway so no one misses it. It’s really very tasty:

    2.5 cups hot chocolate mix
    8 cups dry milk
    2 cups powdered sugar
    1 cup instant coffee granules
    8 oz. jar French vanilla flavored non-dairy creamer

    Combine and store in air tight container. (I actually put mine in jars, with festive fabric on top, tied with ribbon or raffia.)

    To make cappuccino (and I print this on a little tag that I tie onto the jar):

    1/4 cup cappuccino mix
    8oz. hot water
    Stir to blend and enjoy!

    (Curt makes this all the time, and he actually uses it as a mixer in his coffee. Harold used to drink this all the time, now he’s gone to straight black coffee. I may drink it again, but I’ve been off caffeine for almost two years because of Tim, and didn’t think to make it with decaf…)

    • Curt

      Yes, I do make this quite frequently. I use it as a mixer, drink it straight, or even put it on ice (mmmm..very good, it is like chocolate milk with a coffee kick). I also modify the recipe a bit. I double or triple the amount of instant coffee.

  3. Lauren

    You are an excellent driver, Rainman. I’ll bet that you drive that thing better than I do. I’m always putting it in the wrong gear. Turns out that ‘reverse’ is only supposed to be used when you’re going backwards. Go figure.

    Lauren the Gracious

  4. Carol

    How is driving a stick on your back, Brad? The Honda Civic I used to have back in the day was a five-speed, but when I had lower back issues, it was murder to move from clutch to brake and back all the time. It really crippled me up. Plus, Thurman’s not a big stick guy inamoured by manual transmissions, so we’re both automatic transmission purchasers now…plus we’re old…you’ll know soon enough what that’s all about.

    • Kim


  5. Curt

    Good job with the clutch. I used to give friends crap about their clutch driving, since I learned how to drive with a clutch out on the farm. My teasing all stopped after I had to drive a little car with a clutch. It is much different than a tractor or a truck, plus being tall doesn’t help. So I commend those that can drive a clutch well or at least half way decent.

  6. Curt

    I had to add this as well. Hope this works. It is safe.


  7. Michele

    No animals were harmed because there is no shovel in the picture!

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