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Blast from the Past

Happy Birthday, Lauren! Yay!

Yesterday some of us gathered at Martha’s house for a Christmas party. Martha is a co-worker from last year that we’ve stayed in contact with. The party was really fun. The food was awesome and the conversation was great.

Martha’s husband Paul has been experimenting a lot with a scroll saw. He isn’t just using patterns – he’s inventing stuff. His latest things were a nativity set that is cut from one piece of wood and can be reassembled like a puzzle, and a candle holder that contains shapes from the nativity but folds flat because it’s cut from one piece of wood. It’s all very cool.

At one point we went to the basement because it was decorated for Christmas and Martha wanted to show us. We sat and talked for a while and I tried not to fall asleep. I was sleepy because my belly was full. When we decided to go back upstairs again, I noticed a blanket that looked terribly familiar. I think Beth had one like it in a location that had me seeing it frequently, because when I saw it I thought of her.

Should this be called a baa-lanket?  Hehe...


  1. Lauren

    Maybe you used to throw sheep at Beth when you were little, and that’s why it reminds you of her.

    Do you have a picture of the candle holder? I’d LOVE to see it!

  2. Brady G

    Seriously, no pictures of Paul’s handy work. All who are disappointed in the lack of pictures, please speak you mind.

    • Kim

      What no pictures of Paul’s creations?!? It is an outrage!

      …wait…I was there…they were cool

      You could always go back over to the Bickels and get a picture before the rioting begins in Bradaptationland.

  3. Deanne

    What??!?? No pictures of the cool scroll saw creations???

  4. Brad

    Sorry for not taking pictures of the art. It’s weird what makes me think of taking out my camera and what doesn’t. I was with Mike Weider for hours and never even considered taking a picture with him, yet I quickly pulled out the camera when I saw a Barbie Advent Calendar. At the Bickel’s house, I saw amazing and intricate original creations, and what did I take a picture of? A sheep blanket. It didn’t even occur to me to take a picture of the scroll saw stuff.

    Something’s wrong with me.

    • Peggy

      Were you ever clobbered in the head by a falling ladder? I hear that causes serious damage.

      And although that baalanket is adorable…where’s the picture of the light box????

      Happy Birthday Lauren!!

  5. Kim

    Happy, Happy Lauren!

  6. Michele

    I think you should march back over to the Bickel’s this afternoon and take some pictures of Paul’s beautiful creations. Then you can eat some of the leftover goodies and take a nap. Maybe you could take a nap in their basement and cover up with the baa-lanket!

  7. Brady G

    My apologies Lauren . . . Happy Birthday. I was so distraught about the lack of pictures, I failed to acknowledege your special day. Will never happen again, I promise . . .

  8. Beth

    I, for one, am glad you took a picture of the blanket. Because that means you thought of ME. And I like being thought of.

    I do wish the blanked wasn’t folded inside out, though. The front side is blue with black and white sheep on it. Instead of the blue sheep.

    Regardless, thanks for thinking of me. I still have that blanket. And use it rather regularly. So soft and snuggly.

  9. Carol

    That was an awesome get-together…closest thing to the “company party” I wager we’ll see for some time, but I digress. Thurman and I were trying to convince Paul to use our dormant corporation name – His Handiwork – to actually put his work up for sale somehow (I hear he’s hoping to dabble on Ebay a bit and check out the market). It truly is quality stuff, IMHO. Too bad anyone who wasn’t there will never really know how clever…ahem…

    Nice blankie, though – or should I say “not baaaad”?

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