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One Thing

As I’ve been adjusting to the busier schedule of school, I’ve been trying to keep up with things at home. I’ve decided that if I can just do one home thing per night, that should be enough.

This past week, I’ve come home and washed dishes or mowed the lawn or cleaned the back porch. Last night I put new light bulbs in my front porch pendant light. All the bulbs were burnt out, so my porch was in darkness. Fortunately I had new bulbs. Otherwise the darkness would have continued. I like to leave my porch light on all night. I think it looks cheery. And I think it is a helpful gesture… people who need their way lit will find my porch light is quite bright.

...and then there was light.


  1. Peggy

    That is so nice of you…to light the way for strangers, joggers, robbers, cops giving tickets!

    I wish my neighborhood was as thoughtful. There’s a billboard on my way to work that has a Pest Control Company currently on it. There’s a GIAGANTIC picture of a roach on it. I almost hurl my Instant Breakfast every morning catching a glimpse of it.

  2. Lauren

    Dang. Peggy took my robber joke.

    I think that one thing per night is an excellent goal! Short and achievable. Acheiveable? Acheeeevible?

    • Carol

      “short and possible” maybe? ‘Course, that could describe a few middle school students, too…

  3. Carol

    We leave both porch lights on dark to dawn too – usually because it’ll attract enough flying insects to keep the cat amused jumping after them when he’s out after dark, but hey – if it keeps burglars away on the side, it’s all good.

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