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A Happy Fourth of July

The Fourth of July celebrations in Seward are always awesome. Yesterday was no exception.

The morning started with The Firing of the Anvil, then donuts from the bakery in town, then Second Breakfast at the civic center pancake feed. Anna’s violin group played as entertainment. She even played a solo.
She played 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'

After Second Breakfast, we walked the town square where all the craft booths are set up. Lauren bought a lot of stuff. I didn’t buy anything. A visit to food alley, and I had two lemonades. The first one was tasty and full of undissolved sugar. The second one was larger, but disappointing. As we walked, Lauren kept seeing a woman wearing a dress she liked. Here it is:
We were watching the cloggers when I took this picture.  Yay, cloggers!

This is the first Fourth that Lloyd and Lauren have been in Seward for in three years. I missed them; Lloyd because he goes so over-the-top with the beverage pond:
It was a ridiculous amount of drinks and ice.

And Lauren because she is such a loud mouth while we watch the parade. We got personal waves from almost all of the politicians, and we counted six Czech queens!

One!  One Czech queen!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

Two!  Two Czech queens!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

Three!  Three Czech queens!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

Four!  Four Czech queens!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

Five!  Five Czech queens!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

Six!  Six Czech queens!  Ah-ha-ha-haaaa!

We finished the day with a spectacular home demonstration of fireworks, and the annual, amazing, city display of fireworks. Our home demonstration was fun because we got a roll of 16,000 firecrackers and lit them at Brent’s house. It drew out all the neighbors. Even lighting it at both ends, it lasted over three minutes. Ha! Lauren has a more complete documentation of the firecrackers HERE.
The Daniel is for scale.


  1. Lauren

    It was a most glorious day, even if I was sleepy for most of it. Wait, I’m the loudmouth:


    It was fantastic being at the parade with you guys! I truly, truly love a parade, even though you can see the weird looks we’re getting from people, especially in the early photos.

  2. Annette

    I love that boy with the red ball cap in the photo of the woman wearing the dress Lauren liked. Love! Love! Love him!

    • Brad

      That woman to the left of him looks very familiar to me…

  3. Deborah

    Let me just say, “The food continues to the west.”

  4. Anna

    I saw the cloggers too! They were awesome!

  5. Carol

    Just a few questions now from the Baltimoron:
    1. Was Donald Trump involved in any way in the firing of the anvil? How did he (the anvil, that is) take it?
    2. How long has Anna been “violining” to be able to solo on the “Glory, Glory Hallelujah” piece? I. am. Impressed.
    3. I think I picked out the wooden flooring the cloggers must have used, off to the left foreground, no? (Me, I haven’t seen any good clogging in decades – always watching to see if a shoe’s gonna fly off in the midst of fast and furious movements…)
    4. You sure you weren’t here in Rosedale for the fireworks? On my morning walk today I saw the remnants of what must surely have been at least three minutes-worth of snap, crackle, pop paraphernalia all over the sidewalks, streets, and lawns of the development across Hamilton Avenue from us…and yes it’s already Wednesday and it’s all still there. “Clean up in Aisle 7!”

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